Monday, November 07, 2016

What School Boards in Canada are Doing is Unconscionable and Immoral

Here's what people don't really get: education is primarily the role of parents. Well, in fact, care of children is primarily the responsibility of parents. Sounds obvious, but we are quickly forgetting this. We're starting to think, and many people strongly believe this already, that the state is primarily responsible for kids, and parents are given a sort of lease on their own children under the assumption they take good care of them. This right can be revoked any time the state feels like it.

I'm not just talking about taking kids away from abusive parents. Like most laws, especially in Canada, those are being extremely broadly interpreted to fit the needs of our extremist rulers. So, abuse can be defined as not just physical assault, but also not subjecting them to the demands of the state such as gender brainwashing. That's right, they consider that another form of abuse?

What am I talking about? I'm talking about recent rulings which says that while the schools forgo any form of math and science, students are absolutely required to attend classes about the 251 genders that exist so they can choose their own. They must attend drag queen classes given by old men, and sex classes given by sex workers. Some of these children are very young. To call this absolutely disgusting and wrong would be a massive understatement.

But like all good totalitarian regimes, the people behind this will not give one inch, will not stop until it is absolutely against the law to not bring children to these brainwashing classes. It will become an absolute requirement. So, as a reader, unless you are already aware of this, you probably want proof. Well, here you go:

That should be enough to give you a taste. As with all "progressive" or more properly defined "regressive" strategies, these tools are being implemented with stealth. Inch by inch, children are being brainwashed until all sense of a traditional family and sexuality's place within them will be eradicated. Their "reassurances" fall on deaf ears. We must oppose them as strongly as they are trying to implement this. We must remain ever vigilant, ever ready for moral combat.

It is not the responsibility of some bureaucrats in ivory towers of Babel to dictate to parents what to do with their kids. What happens if someone they consider a slave (i.e. parent) disobeys? Do they get punished? Remember, this is just a form of violence. Plain and simple. So stand up and fight it. A lot of the people in this fight against school perversion are Muslim, so congrats to them for that. Let's stand also, stand strong, stand against the insidious forces of evil. Do not accept their reassurances. Stand for what's right.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Padre Pio Live Stream

Bob Wakeham's Article on Cremation Shows a Profound Lack of Understanding of the Catholic Church

Bob Wakeham recently wrote an article in the local Telegram in St. John's Newfoundland Canada. In it, he bemoans the Church's teaching on cremation. He says his dad wanted his ashes spread in the ocean and his father's brother also wanted to keep some of the ashes.

So of course, as usual, when Bob found out his actions violated Church laws, he started bashing the Church. Typical Catholic. Now, Bob says he left the church long ago, but he was afraid some of his relatives stilled cared what they church taught.

Bob is a typical modern-day Catholic. They do whatever they feel like, and when they find out they are violating a church rule, they lash out at the Church. They should listen to St. Augustine who said if you only follow the parts of the Church you agree with and reject the rest, it's not the Church you're following but yourself.

At least Bob decided to leave the Church. Others will linger on and try to "change it from within". But although he has left the Church, he cannot leave it alone. To him, and many like him, the Catholic Church is the source of all life's troubles. Everything would be so great if only the Church would get out of their way. Well, if they were truthful they'd realize it's not the Church that's in their way but their own conscience.

Instead of realizing they must change or improve, they blame the Church. It's called projection. You do something wrong. You feel guilty. You look for a target to blame.

Bob obviously learned next to nothing from his childhood exposure to Catholicism. He makes one mistake after another in his virtually unreadable opinion piece. He is so proud of himself for being such an independent thinker. He really has to get over himself big time. He's not as clever as he thinks.

There are so many errors in what he said, it's hard to know where to begin. One thing he says is:

Last week’s proclamation from the Pope — I presume this was one of those “ex cathedra” announcements, meaning the pope is infallible on “matters of faith or morals” — also ordered that Catholics not keep the ashes of loved ones in private homes.

Why would he "presume" it was ex cathedra. Obviously he has no idea what that means. He went on Wikipedia for 2 minutes, looked up infallible, it said one condition was it had to be a pronouncement that was done "ex cathedra", and instead of even looking into what ex cathedra statements were, he "presumed" the statement met that criterion (which it does not).

There isn't even any point trying to educate someone like that on what an ex cathedra statement is, or on the other types of infallibility within the Church.

It seems Bob sees cremation as some kind of individualistic, do-it-yourself ceremony to give things your own personal meaning. I'm so sick and tired of this modernist attitude. People have it for everything including baptisms, weddings, and every other sacrament. They have no desire to follow God's laws. Rather, they want to make up their own laws and just follow those. How convenient.

I've heard this so often. People getting married demanding the right to marry on a beach, in a tropical location, with their best friend officiating and then not following Church teaching on marriage after the wedding. WHY ARE YOU EVEN GOING TO A CATHOLIC CHURCH?? Same goes for baptism. They have no desire to listen to the Church. They just want to have a personal self-affirming event where they are the center of attention and make up whatever rules they want.

It's like people go and essentially create their own religion and then whine and gripe when the Catholic Church doesn't let them do whatever they want.

As his namesake suggests, Bob WAKEham needs to wake up. If you don't like the Church, don't listen to it. You're only going to do whatever you want in life anyone. No one will ever tell the infallible Mr. Wakeham what to do, he's just so above correction or guidance. Did your father express a desire to violate Church law when he asked to be cremated? If not, you should follow his desires and keep his burial within Church guidelines.

Also, you should be man enough to grow up and take personal responsibility instead of trying to blame the Church for everything.

Feast Day of...

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Parents are the primary teachers of kids, OBVIOUSLY

I'm so sick and tired of politicians talking about how "we" must educate "our" children. No, you don't own them. Keep your hands off them! Public education is a sham and a scam. It's expensive (something like $13000 per student per year), and extremely ineffective. It's all about control and promoting propaganda. We must fight back and stop this total nonsense!

Hillary Clinton's Connection to Satanism is Absolutely Shocking... [VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED]


Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman has been caught being involved with the most Satanic rituals imaginable. In an email leak from John Podesta, we can see him being invited to what's called a "Spirit Cooking dinner" at the home of Marina Abramovic.

There are videos of Marina Abramovic performing rituals for such dinners. I can barely even describe it in my blog here because it is simply too gruesome and disgusting. My readers are good people, and I think this would be very disturbing for many.

The actions described in one of Marina Abramovic dinners is so horrendous and revolting that warn you against ever watching videos of it. Let's just say that it involves various forms of blood and other human excretion. I could not even finish watching this video because it was absolutely way too disturbing. For anybody out there who does not think that Hillary Clinton is involved in it absolutely vile, disgusting, disturbing activities they really have to do a little bit more research.

We also had revelations not too long ago about Hillary Clinton and John Podesta absolute hatred towards Christians and specifically Catholics. They endlessly mocked them and made fun of them. Are we supposed to vote for these people that revile Christians to such a degree? Not that I can vote for her anyway since I'm Canadian. But this is an important question for Americans out there.

Who is the Current Pope of the Catholic Church?

The current pope of the Catholic Church as of November 5, 2016 is Pope Francis.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

All Souls Day

A Voice of Reason Amid Insane Gender Confusion

St. Malachy Biographical Information

When was St. Malachy Born?
He was born 1095, of noble birth

Where was St. Malachy Born?
Armagh, Ireland

When and where did St. Malachy Die?
He died on November 2, 1148 AD, in Clairvaux, France

What did St. Malachy do?
St. Malachy was bishop of Down, Ireland from 1124 to 1148 and bishop of Connor from 1124 to 1136/1137. He was also bishop of Bangor, Ireland.

What is his Irish name?
His Middle Irish name is Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair
His Modern Irish name is: Maelmhaedhoc Ó Morgair

How do we know about St. Malachy?
Much of our knowledge of this saint comes from St. Bernard of Clairveaux.

What is St. Malachy the Patron Saint of?
St. Malachy is the patron saint of 3 diocese: Archdiocese of Armagh, Diocese of Down, and Diocese of Connor

When is St. Malachy's Feast Day?
St. Malachy's Feast Day is 1 day after his death, on November 3, 1148.