Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Rome Protesters destroy Statue of the Virgin Mary

I saw a video today which was very disturbing. I don't want to post it here because it is rather offensive, and I think a lot of people would prefer not to see it. Basically in the video, a protester in Occupy Rome finds a large status of Our Lady, takes it out to the street, lifts it up, and the smashes it onto the ground. It is basically destroyed or at least badly damaged. Some people then kick it or do other actions. This is absolutely deplorable and very sad. Let's say a special prayer of atonement.

1 comment:

  1. The statue was just a statue. One of God's commandments was not to worship graven images. Statues of Mary or statues of the cross with Jesus being crucified are graven images, they are not holy. We are also suppose to only pray to God and Jesus Christ and call upon the Holy Spirit when we pray. However, Catholicism has us believing that it's okay to pray to Saints.

    Both of these things contradicts what God commands us to do. No where in the Bible does God or Jesus say it's okay to create graven images of Mary. No where in the Bible does God or Jesus say to pray to Saints to watch over you or to give you guidance.

    The Bible strictly states for us to worship and pray to God himself. He tells us not to worship any other God but him, for he is a jealous God. The only way to salvation is to believe in God and believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we could be saved.

    Our relationship with God and his son is a personal one. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ. Not through Jesus' mother Mary and not through Saints, but Jesus himself. So why are Catholics being directed to pray to Saints and hold images of Mary sacred?

    Jesus was sent here to be a living, walking, breathing example of what God's expectations of us are. No where in the Bible do you see Jesus worshiping his mother Mary. Nor do you see Jesus praying to Saint's or anyone else other than God the Father. We are suppose to follow Christ's footsteps, to follow Christ's example. So why Catholics being taught things that lead them astray from Christ's footsteps?

    Jesus Christ was very clear on the fact that no one is above God's word and that we are to only follow God's word! Yet the Pope and the chain of command under the Pope teach it's followers things that are not in the Bible. Catholicism teaches it's followers things that Jesus himself spoke against or didn't speak on. Under what authority does the Pope or the Catholic Church have to do this?
