Friday, December 30, 2022

Is Pope Benedict the oldest person to ever have been pope?


Pope Benedict is oldest person to have ever been pope at 95 years of age. He is the fourth oldest pope when papacy ended.

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Pope Benedict XVI is currently the oldest person to have ever served as pope. As of 2021, Pope Benedict XVI is 95 years old. He was born on April 16, 1927, and he served as pope from April 19, 2005, until his resignation on February 28, 2013. At the time of his resignation, he was 85 years old, which made him one of the oldest popes in history. However, he has continued to live and age since his papacy ended, and as a result, he is now the oldest person to have ever served as pope.

However, he was only the 4th oldest pope at the time his papacy ended. Most popes' papacy ends at their death, which was not the case with Benedict. Here are the top five oldest popes at the end of their papacy:

Here are the five oldest popes at the time their papacies ended, listed in order from oldest to youngest:

Pope Clement X: Clement X served as pope from 1670 to 1676 and was 89 years old when he died.

Pope Leo XIII: Leo XIII served as pope from 1878 to 1903 and was 93 years old when he died.

Pope Pius IX: Pius IX served as pope from 1846 to 1878 and was 85 years old when he died.

Pope Benedict XVI: Benedict XVI served as pope from 2005 to 2013 and was 85 years old when he resigned.

Pope John Paul II: John Paul II served as pope from 1978 to 2005 and was 84 years old when he died.

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