Thursday, December 03, 2020

Starting Your Own Catholic Catechism Class

In September 2019, I felt the need to have greater and more in depth catechesis. Much of what I had received up to that point in various groups and events was good but it wasn't providing adequate detail. I had already been listening to a Youtube channel called "Sensus Fidelium" and in particular a priest by the name of Fr. Chad Ripperger. He would go into great amounts of detail in describing various tenets of the faith. I found that quite appealing in contrast to a trend I had noticed which was to aim for less and less detail.

With all of this in mind, I decided I wanted to start my own catechism group with some people I knew. I wanted to choose the right people, people who would contribute and be interested in the topics discussed. I didn't want people who would undermine what we were talking about or always bring it around to an unrelated topic.

I wasn't necessarily looking for people based on their level of knowledge. I just wanted some men who would be open to discussing the catechism. In fact, I sought high and low for a good guide to use when discussing these topics. I look at various books on moral theology, faith studies, guides, etc. I couldn't quite pick something. I even spoke to some priests. After giving it some more thought, I decided we could simply use the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

We used the latest edition from 2000 promulgated by Pope John Paul II. I know some people make take issue with this edition and prefer an older edition. There is nothing wrong with that. This one was just the most accessible. I will get into why the edition is not of grave concern later.

So once I had decided on who to invite and what reference we would use, I set about planning on how to best tackle this large resource. The catechism is 846 pages and has copious footnotes. For every footnote, you could find a whole other work with plenty to read. So it's something of a daunting task.

We started covering the catechism in September 2019. We have had some breaks and hiatuses throughout this period, but we are still not done over a year later. My approach was to divide the book into manageable sections for discussion. I would try to split it into logical sections, not just random page numbers. Once the sections were divided, there would be a new group member who would present their section each week. With 5 people in the group, each person would have 5 weeks to prepare their section.

To give you an example, right now we are covering the 10 commandments. This was easy to divvy up - one commandment per person. Some parts are a little more tricky. But the main thing is trying to have a connected theme.

This format has worked well. People have used all kinds of multimedia to make their presentations. It isn't a strict format and each person is allowed to create their own work and their own approach. Some like to be the only ones talking while others like to involve the audience a lot more. As long as the topics are being covered, that's the main thing.

I would encourage everyone who wants to learn their faith more to start one of these groups. We have our every Thursday around 7:00pm. This makes it nice and consistent. Our group consists entirely of men at the moment for the most part. I like this arrangement. It allows men to discuss things from their unique perspective. Women can certainly do the same thing.

Let me know in the comments section what you think about this idea for learning the faith. Look forward to hearing from you!

Happy Feast Day of St. Francis Xavier December 3


Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Why are Advent Calendars always so inaccurate?

I was checking out Google for trending topics and one that came up was Taco Bell Advent Calendar. It seemed rather specific. I did some research and found out they had these "calendars" which contained 12 "prizes". I'm not sure where they got 12 from. I'm assuming it's because it's half of 24, which is the normal size of an Advent calendar these days.

But why are there 24 days on Advent calendars. It's inaccurate 86% of the time. The reason is pretty simple. To avoid having to print a different Advent calendar every year, companies produce the same one and just begin it on December 1 and it ends on December 24. Usually it's arranged in 4 rows of 6 days.

This is inaccurate. Advent ranges from 22 to 28 days inclusive. It can start as early as November 27 and as late as Dec. 3. I wrote about this on a previous blog which you can find here titled "The Date of Advent". The blog goes into a lot of detail as to the dates of Advent and why the length varies from year to year.

So the calendars out there are inaccurate, as only 1 in 7 years does Advent actually begin on December 1. This happens when December 1 is a Sunday. That means Advent calendars will become valid again in December 2024, and every 7 years after that.

The Taco Bell Advent Calendar is particularly bad, having only 12 blocks. I don't even know if they have particular days associated with each block.

I'm not really sure the purpose of Advent calendars to begin with. Advent is a time of spiritual preparation. How does it make sense to give little candies and goodies throughout this time. If anything, people should be giving up these things, detaching themselves, so as to get more out of Advent.

But as usual, it seems this is simply a ploy by businesses to take advantage of the season. I can't really blame them, they are simply catering to the desires of customers. The general populace pays relatively little attention to the spiritual aspects of Advent and opts instead for the gifts and pleasures of Christmas which they celebrate early.

Ironically once the Christmas season is actually here, many people abandon it early. So they start celebrating early only to stop celebrating early also. Makes very little sense. Hopefully people will reclaim a spiritual aspect to their Advent season this year.

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Ellen Page now "Elliot" Page? - a Catholic view on transgenderism

Ellen Page, a well-known actress, says she is no longer Ellen Page, but rather Elliot Page. Once referred to in the feminine, articles have automatically started to refer to her as he and "they". To me it's kind of strange. Without skipping a beat, every reference to this person who used to be her and she will now be his and they. No questions asked. Just seems eerie to me.

It used to be that people undergoing so-called sex-change operations would openly say they are changing from male to female or vice versa. However, that of course had to be modified as well. It went on the euphemism treadmill. First it was sex-change, then gender re-assignment, but that wasn't good enough. A new philosophy emerged which stated that the people who were undergoing these operations were not "changing" their genders or sex. Rather, they were simply "being who they are": A woman trapped in a man's body or a man trapped in a woman's body.
Who knows what anyone will come up with next. It's all made up as they go along. This gets into a broader topic of words and definitions. The left is continually attacking words. It started some time ago. People started becoming less and less precise in their use of words. At first it was similar words being used perhaps slightly incorrectly. However, it soon went further. Words were weaponized as in 1984. Up was down, left was right. Someone discovered that all you had to do was slap a euphemistic label on something and bam, everything is alright.

Fr. Ripperger is one of my favorite preachers. One thing that makes him great is that every time he uses a particular word for the first time, he defines it. He is very precise in his use of language. This is an important skill which has been largely ignored unfortunately. If people use and are aware of precise language, concepts can be communicated very precisely. If not, communication conveys only very vague ideas.

In the case of transgenderism, the whole movement is about manipulating language in order to advance acceptance. Distinctions, which should be made, are deemed irrelevant at best. So, we are told we must "accept people". This is very broad and muddles various concepts. Because of the imprecision of language that is being advanced, not accepting any aspect of transgenderism is considered offensive and wrong. The Catholic point of view would be that God gives men and women their genders at conception. We cannot change what God has created. However, if someone chooses to manipulate how they are seen or, in fact, their own bodies, although we oppose this, we still give them the dignity they deserve as human beings. They are committing acts which are objectively sinful, but perhaps due to their own poor judgment are not personally culpable. This is especially the case given our current world.

My point is that by making distinctions we avoid the two extremes. One extreme says hate everything about this person and what they do. The other extreme says love and accept everything this person does. Neither is correct. 99% of people out there have or continue to commit sin. We don't throw the baby out with the bath water. We always must strive to help people who live in sin.

Denying God's creation in our lives is not giving proper reverence and obedience to him. We are saying we are above God, he doesn't choose my sex and gender, I do. This is fundamentally wrong. Our parents brought us forth through an act of intimate love. We owe them our lives. This is something I am learning more deeply with regards to the fourth commandment of honoring our mother and father. We are not meant to be autonomous self-directing entities. We in fact fall within a hierarchy, with God being at the head. We can never usurp his authority.

Beyond this, transgenderism involves doing violence to one's body and often involves mutilation. This is gravely wrong as we cannot purposely injure part of ourselves which is designed for good and is healthy.

Part of this whole problem stems from our separation of the marital act from procreation. When sex is viewed as a recreational activity with no true end, it can be used for many and varied purposes. The very idea of male and female, which is foundational to the human person, become abstractions and irrelevant. Catholics who have followed these developments know this all stems from sexual immorality, and in particular, in the acceptance of contraception. Contraception allows for the idea that sex is separate from procreation. This makes possible so many of the evils related to the sixth commandment that we see in today's world.

I wish Ellen Page the best in her life and hope that she comes to a realization of what she is doing beyond her own misinformed whim. Pray for her.

Advent Preparation Guide 2020

As we know, in our modern-day secular world, there is no distinction made between Advent and Christmas. Usually right after Halloween, Christmas stuff starts appearing. Out of respect for soldiers, some people wait until after November 11 to begin decorating for the season. However, this is far too early according to the Christian Calendar.

In the Catholic Church, everything is governed by seasons. As the Bible says, there is a time and place for everything in our universe. Prior to great celebrations in the Church, we strive to strip away our inordinate attachments to the material world to be better prepared for the spiritual significance of the season we will celebrate.

The most famous of such times is Lent which is a preparation for the most important season of the Christian calendar - Easter. The meaning of Easter has nothing to do with material goods, but rather it has everything to do with spiritual goods.

In the same way, Advent is our way of preparation for the upcoming feast of Christmas. Christmas is a spiritual reality. Unfortunately, our modern society focuses almost exclusively on the material aspect - how many gifts will you receive or give. At most the secular world will say that Christmas is about spending time with your loved ones. Rarely do they discuss the true reason and meaning for Advent and Christmas.

Christmas is a celebration of the Second Person of the Trinity becoming incarnate to dwell among us to bring salvation to the whole world. Jesus was, in a sense, born to carry out his mission which was to offer himself as the perfect sacrifice on Calvary for the salvation of souls. His incarnation and birth made this possible. Our job on Earth is to unite ourselves more fully with God and to receive his Grace. One of the things that stands in our way to achieving this is our attachments to material or created goods. These attachments prevent us from achieving a closer spiritual union with our Creator.

Advent is a great opportunity, sort of a lesser Lent (in terms of penance), to remove some attachment to the material world and move closer to God. That way we can more fully celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

To that end, I found an excellent Advent preparation. This comes from I have transcribed it here into regular text. Feel free to print this off and use it as a guide as you prepare for the coming of the Savior of the World.


THE FOUR WEEKS OF ADVENT are set apart by the Church to commemorate the ages that intervened between the fall of our first parents and the birth of  Christ which we celebrate at Christmas. It is a Season of special prayer and  penance mingled with joyful expectation, and calculated to prepare our souls for a worthy keeping of this great solemnity. Advent is also the beginning of the  ecclesiastical year, and as each succeeding year brings us closer to the Second Coming of Christ as Judge of the world, this holy time is likewise intended to make us ready to meet our Judge. Such preparation is best achieved by seeking sanctification through voluntary amendment of life, acts of penance, and works of charity. 

Do not let this time to Grow in Holiness Pass You By!!

Consider the following categories on what we should do for Advent this year.

Give up those things that need to go sooner or later, namely bad habits. Our goal here is to learn to love our souls more than our bodies… to break a bad habit forever and Advent is a good time to do it. Examples: Gossiping, surfing the web without real need, watching T.V., overeating, eating between meals, eating and drinking junk foods (e.g., soda), bad drinking habits, complaining, saying vulgar words, not getting up on time, using a snooze alarm, wasting time playing video games, going to movies, listening to base music, useless chattering on facebook, blogs, and the like, etc. 

In this category I am going to give up _______________________

Perform some kind of penance. Our goal here is to train ourselves to say “no” in little things so that we can say “NO” to big temptations later. We can resume doing the things given up here once Advent is over. Examples: Avoid eating or drinking something that we enjoy, such as desserts. Give up eating out, taking completely warm showers, drinking alcoholic beverages, etc... 

In this category I am going to give up _______________________

Perform some good and holy action(s). Our goal here is to strengthen our relationship with Christ and His Church. Ideally, what we start here would continue in some way even after Advent is over. Love God more than yourself! Examples: Pray the Rosary everyday, attend daily Mass as much as possible, read the Sacred Scriptures _______ minutes a day, spend _______ additional time everyday with my family, read a life of a saint or saints, increase spiritual reading in place of electronic media, make a daily visit to the Most Blessed Sacrament or shrine of Our Lady.

In this category I am going to _______________________

To get the PDF version, go to

Monday, November 30, 2020

Supreme Court Orders Preliminary Injunction in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo

Of all the places I have been, churches seem to be most strictly observing Covid regulations. Go into Walmart and Costco and people are just randomly walking all over the place. Contrast this with Mass, where the number of people is very strictly enforced, names and phone numbers are gathered, and people are only allowed to sit in designated areas at least 6 feet apart.

The difference is night and day. Not only that, most of the churches I go to have not one but two announcements regarding how we should proceed to communion in a "safe and respectful" way.

In my opinion, churches are going a little too extreme with all this mass hysteria (excuse the pun). We only have a handful of cases in my province, but this doesn't stop them from pulling out all the stops.

For governments to put much stricter limits on church services than they do on huge retailers is absolutely unacceptable!

Supreme Court Orders Preliminary Injunction in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo

Happy Feast Day of St. Andrew November 30 + Prayer


Prayer to St. Andrew

O Glorious St. Andrew,

you were the first to recognize and follow the Son of God.

With your friend, St. John,

you remained with Jesus,

for your entire life,

and now throughout eternity.

Image of St Andrew the Apostle sitting reading

Just as you led your brother, St Peter,

to Christ and many others after him,

draw us also to Him.

Teach us how to lead them,

solely out of love for Jesus

and dedication to His service.

Help us to learn the lesson of the Cross

and carry our daily crosses without complaint,

so that they may carry us to God the Almighty Father. Amen.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Pope Francis's Opinion Piece in the New York Times about Covid: Analysis

Well, at least it wasn't from an airplane this time! Pope Francis once again outdoes himself by writing an opinion piece in the New York Times. You know, because being the Vicar of Christ isn't a big enough deal, he has to be hip and down with the left-wing peeps.

Anyway, his article, in which he mentions the word "pandemic" 5 times, "covid" 4 times, and "Jesus" zero times, is full of exaggerated and emotion-based claims. He doesn't even take other sides of the debate seriously. No, there is only one correct perspective on Covid, everyone else is a heartless monster.

There are some parts of this opinion piece I agree with. The pope starts off his article titled "A Crisis Reveals What Is in Our Hearts" by saying that we often think of issues as global rather than individual and we can feel powerless. He encourages people to care for those around them. That's a huge thing in my opinion. Too often, people get involved with causes, and neglect smaller areas where they can actually have an impact.

He continues by describing the medical issues he faced as a youth and some of the encounters he had with medical professionals. He goes on to talk about the current situation and applauds medical professionals who gave their lives serving others. Certainly this is very laudable and perhaps heroically virtuous.

Soon after this however, he goes off the rails. He commends all government lockdowns as making "great efforts to put the well-being of their people first, acting decisively to protect health and to save lives". About any government that did not impose draconian lockdowns, he says "The exceptions have been some governments that shrugged off the painful evidence of mounting deaths, with inevitable, grievous consequences."

Clearly, to Pope Francis, this is a completely black and white issue with no moral ambiguity whatsoever. There is no room for any disagreement. Either you are in favor of strict government lockdowns or you are a horrible person who cares nothing for people.

He is not satisfied, however, to simply mention people opposed to any and all forms of government oppression under the guise of "protecting people". He has to lay a smack-down on them. This is from his letter:

Yet some groups protested, refusing to keep their distance, marching against travel restrictions — as if measures that governments must impose for the good of their people constitute some kind of political assault on autonomy or personal freedom! Looking to the common good is much more than the sum of what is good for individuals. It means having a regard for all citizens and seeking to respond effectively to the needs of the least fortunate.

It is all too easy for some to take an idea — in this case, for example, personal freedom — and turn it into an ideology, creating a prism through which they judge everything.

Ah, isn't it nice to simply caricature those with whom you disagree? Makes things rather simple. People who are protesting the lockdowns aren't doing so simply because they feel a concept of personal freedom is being challenged. As if they know there is a huge danger to society without these lockdowns but they refuse to be told what to do.

The reality is that the anti-lockdown side of the equation actually has very solid reasons for disagreeing with the draconian measures being put in place. Destroying the economy isn't some intellectual idea like not being allowed to have frozen yogurt on a particular Saturday. Destroying the economy has huge and devastating impacts on people's lives. This is particularly true in third-world countries. People literally starve to death if they cannot earn an income. They cannot simply apply for unlimited unemployment benefits. Not everyone is so lucky.

There are many negative repercussions to the lockdowns such as increased depression, spousal abuse, drug abuse, people being prevented from seeking medical help, etc. Many of the people opposing the lockdowns say the "cure" is much more devastating than the disease. But no, according to the pope, these people are heartless evildoers who just want to increase suffering because of "concepts".

Another thing is that most anti-lockdown people don't just say anything goes. They want a common-sense approach to dealing with the issue. Protect vulnerable people specifically. Perhaps not everyone has to have the same restrictions. For more age categories, the survivability can be as high as 99.9%. Should our entire civilization be shut down to stop such a disease?

The other big issue in my opinion is the isolation. On the one hand, Pope Francis condemns modern technology such as cell phones and the internet and other technologies and encourages people to meet face to face. Yet somehow he feels this has no value while there is a virus circulating. What about the 90 year old grandmother who sits alone in her nursing home longing to see her children and grandchildren. Is she and her children evil for wanting to see her? As one commentator put it, perhaps she only has a few Christmases or Thanksgivings left. Maybe she is willing to risk Covid to see her family.

On top of all of this, there is credible evidence to show the lockdowns are doing little if anything in terms of Covid. Places that didn't lock down at all are faring very similarly to places that imposed massive restrictions. You won't see this much on Facebook, Youtube, etc as this opinion has been banned.

This is NOT a simplistic good vs. evil question. There is legitimate debate as to what constitutes the best course of action. For the Holy Father to suggest that anyone who dares question their particular leaders with regards to Covid are evil is flat-out wrong. Perhaps he should speak to several people who disagree with his stance to truly find out their perspective. I can guarantee him there are many faithful Catholics in that boat.

And on a side note, I strongly suggest the pope stick with actual moral issues such as the Ten Commandments, the works of Mercy, the seven deadly sins, etc and how to be holier people, instead of always focusing on climate change and whatever else is the topic-du-jour in the leftist world. We need a moral and spiritual leader, not another political one.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Is the Catholic Church Racist for Taking So Long to Appoint Archbishop Gregory to the Cardinalate?

Archbishop Gregory will soon be Cardinal Gregory. I just saw a headline indicating that he will be the first African-American Cardinal in the US. This was a headline on CNN. Of course, they are trying to present this from a particular angle and people who know little about the Church may get the wrong impression from this headline.

Many will read the article thinking, wow, for the FIRST time in history, the Church is choosing an African American! That's crazy. But we need a little perspective.

First of all, there are currently 14 cardinals from the US, so we are not talking about very many men. Just 14. 

Secondly, the African American community is not very large within the Catholic Church. According to Pew Research, only 5% of black Americans are Catholic, while Catholics overall make up 22% of the overall population.

Next, there are very few black priests overall. Out of around 37,000 priests in the US, only 250 are black. With such a low number of black priests, we would not expect more than 1 black cardinal.

Let's check out the math on this. There are 14 cardinals in the US. One of them will be black, which represents 7% of cardinals. At the same time, 250 out of 37,000 priests are black which is 0.6% of the total priests. Just from a statistical point of view, if the percentage of black cardinals in the US exceeds 0.6%, they are represented more than the number of priests.

But how many cardinals have there EVER been? Overall in the history of the US, there have been 58 American Cardinals. Back to the math. If black priests are only 0.6% of priests, you would statistically expect 0.348 to be black. So having one black cardinal does not demonstrate racism or injustice.

We also need to keep in mind the universality of the Catholic Church. The Church is huge in Africa. We have many black cardinals when you take into consideration the entire world.

Some people are critical of some of the decisions of Archbishop Gregory. We cannot be made to feel we must accept everything he says and does because he is black and that doing so is some kind of racism. As a contrast to this, there are some black cardinals that many conservatives really appreciate and admire, such as Cardinal Sarah and Cardinal Arinze, to name just a couple.

The Catholic Church is universal and any form of racial discrimination is strongly frowned upon and in fact is a sin. God created all people of all different races. To reject someone based on their race is rejecting God's creation.

Friday, November 27, 2020

What do the Symbols on the Miraculous Medal mean?



The miraculous medal has great significance to Catholics around the world. Today is the feast day of the Miraculous Medal. The chart above explains what the symbols mean on this beautiful medal.

Here is the text of the above graphic:

Each symbol on the Miraculous Medal means something. Together, they create a tiny lesson in Mariology. The Miraculous Medal is not magical, but wearing it and meditating on its symbolism can bring about greater faith, hope and purity.

The Rays
This is hard to see on the medal but in St. Catherine's vision, Mary had three rings on each finder. Rays of light emanated from some of these rings and touched the globe. Mary said these indicated the graces people had asked for and she gave. Her other rings were struck with light, but did not emit rays. Mary said those were the graces she was ready to give, but no one had asked for.

The Prayer
Mary appeared to St. Catherine surrounded by these words. This was years before the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception was clarified by the Church. Her open arms remind us of the "recourse" we have in her.

The Stars
One for each of the Twelve Apostles, who formed the Church. Thus the 12 stars are a symbol for the whole Church.

The Globe
Often obscured by engravers adding the year of the apparitions, Mary is actually crushing a serpent wrapped around the world (Gen. 3:15). The fact that she is standing on the globe alludes to her Assumption.

The Two Hearts
The heart on the left has a crown of thorns and belongs to Jesus. It symbolizes his Passion an dlove for all of us. The heart on the right is pierced by a sword and belongs to Mary. The sword comes from Simeon's prophecy in Luke 2:35. The two hearts are next to each other to show the intimacy between them. The fires show the intensity and purifying nature of their love.

The M With the Cross
The "M" stands for Mary, our Mediatrix. "Mediatrix" is a Marian title meaning Jesus listens to our prayers as she presents them, and that he gives us graces through her. This is the role of a Queen Mother in the Davidic Kingdom (see 1 Kings 2:13-20). While he did not have to do this, Christ chose to have a mother to play this role. She is entwined by the Cross, a sign of Jesus's suffering and redemption. This also signifies her presence at the food of the Cross.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

This is what the Supreme Court said about targeting religious services for shutdown

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided in a 5-4 decision that the State of New York is not within its rights to shut down religious services while at the same time permitting a random assortment of businesses to remain open. This amounts to targeting and discrimination.

I can't believe this decision was only 5-4. Thank goodness we have level-headed and objective judges who can see this for what it is - religious persecution.

Justice Gorsuch put it well here:

“It is time — past time — to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues and mosques,” Justice Gorsuch wrote.

For more detail, check out:

First Thanksgiving in America


Why should politicians get to decide how important religion is?

During this Covid situation, many politicians have taken it upon themselves to limit religious gatherings. This topic really came up today when I read a Supreme Court document for the case of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn vs. Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo.

In it, Justice Gorsuch wrote the following:

At the same time, the Governor has chosen to impose no capacity restrictions on certain businesses he considers “essential.” And it turns out the businesses the Governor considers essential include hardware stores, acupuncturists, and liquor stores. Bicycle repair shops, certain signage companies, accountants, lawyers, and insurance agents are all essential too. So, at least according to the Governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but it is always fine to pick up another bottle of wine, shop for a new bike, or spend the afternoon exploring your distal points and meridians. Who knew public health would so perfectly align with secular convenience? 

This is in the US where they supposedly have freedom of assembly and freedom of worship, as specific in the 1st amendment of the US Constitution. So the absurdity is even more stark. How can a hardware store or acupuncturist be considered essential and allowed to open while a church or other place of worship be considered non-essential and forced to stay closed whether or not they follow safety protocols?

First of all, being free means you make your own choices when it comes to risks. If people are afraid to attend a church service, they can stay home. Why should the general populace be forced to stay home because the leader is very risk-averse.

The other question is who gets to decide what is essential and what isn't. Should a secular governor who is non-religious get to decide the value of a religious service? That is absolutely absurd. It's completely subjective. It'd be like asking me the value of an archery class if I have absolutely no interest in archery and have nothing to do with it. Not only that, I allow every other type of physical fitness facility to open, just not that particular one. No one would think that would be legitimate.

The leaders of the religions should be the ones to decide what is open and what isn't. There is meant to be a separation of church and state. I agree with that but only in the sense that the government should keep its paws off religious institutions. Do you really think the bishop cares nothing for his flock? Give me a break. I'm glad the diocese of Brooklyn is suing this terrible governor. He needs to be taught a lesson.

Awesome quote from Justice Gorsuch


Text of Quote: At the same time, the Governor has chosen to impose no capacity restrictions on certain businesses he considers “essential.” And it turns out the businesses the Governor considers essential include hardware stores, acupuncturists, and liquor stores. Bicycle repair shops, certain signage companies, accountants, lawyers, and insurance agents are all essential too. So, at least according to the Governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but it is always fine to pick up another bottle of wine, shop for a new bike, or spend the afternoon exploring your distal points and meridians. Who knew public health would so perfectly align with secular convenience? 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Date of Advent 2020

The first Sunday of Advent is Sunday November 29, 2020.

The Last Day of Advent is Thursday, December 24, 2020.

Dates of Advent 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Sunday, November 29, 2020 is the beginning of the Advent season in the Christian Calendar.

 Advent is the period of time in the Liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church preceding Christmas. It is a time of spiritual preparedness so that we are ready to welcome the Christ Child into our lives.

Questions and Answers about Advent:

How long is Advent?
Advent can range from 22 to 28 days long. Each of the 7 lengths of Advent are represented equally (i.e. equal numbers of 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, & 28)

What is the longest possible Advent season?
Advent can be a maximum of 28 days long.

What is the longest possible Advent season?
The shortest possible Advent season would be 22 days long.

Why does the length of Advent change?
This is because Advent always starts on a Sunday and is a total of 4 Sundays. The day of the week for Christmas Day always changes and can be any of the days. However, Advent always starts on a Sunday. If Christmas Day is on a Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Advent will be as far from Christmas Day as possible. If Christmas Day were on a Monday, the 4th Sunday of Lent would be the day before Christmas.

What is the earliest and latest possible start dates for Advent?
The earliest possible start date for Advent is November 27th.
The latest possible start date for Advent is December 3rd.

Does the length of Advent change as much as the date of Easter?
Because both Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) and the date of Easter are always on the same day of the week, the time between both is fixed. If you could every day from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday (inclusive), you get 46 calendar days. This is the case every year.

However, the actual date of Easter varies considerably. As we've seen, Advent can start on 7 different calendar days, whereas Ash Wednesday can occur anywhere from Feb 4 to March 10. That means there are 36 possible calendar days upon which Ash Wednesday can occur (this includes February 29).

(Random Side Fact: Ash Wednesday has never occurred on February 29, and will do so for the first time in 2096. Leap years were first introduced with the Gregorian calendar and thus a Feb. 29 Ash Wednesday has only been possible since 1582, but it hasn't happened yet).

Look forward to hearing your comments!

Monday, November 23, 2020

St. Dymphna

Prayers for People suffering from Epilepsy

In the Catholic Church, there are many saints who can be invoked for those suffering from epilepsy. I will try to list them here and perhaps add a short reason why they are considered such a patron saint. I will also provide a prayer if available for each saint.

St. Apollinaris of Ravenna
A native of Antioch, St. Apollinaris was made bishop of Ravenna by St. Peter himself. What a great honor. This saint suffered greatly under the persecution of various Roman emperors. Despite this, he continued to preach, even when Christianity was outlawed. He was known as a miracle worker and churches were built in his honor in Europe, especially in Germany.

Pope St. Cornelius
This saint and pope is an interesting figure. He was the Bishop of Rome during a debate in the Church over whether Christians who had practiced pagan rituals, offered sacrifices to idols, temporarily stopped practicing their Christian faith or performed other such actions so as to avoid being killed could be readmitted to the Church. One group led by Novatian thought that such people could not be forgiven by the Church or in this life but that it was left up to God whether such people could be forgiven.

Pope Cornelius, on the other hand, believed that such people could be reconciled with the Church after a period of repentance. Ultimately the viewpoint of Pope Cornelius prevailed. Novatian was also a pretender to the papacy and there was something of a struggle in that regard as well.

St. Dymphna
This is a very well-known saint who is asked to intercede often in the case of mental health issues. St. Dymphna has a very strange story. She devoted her life to Christ at a young age. When her mother died, her father, who was a petty king in Ireland, became very distraught. He sought a new wife but wanted someone who looked like his deceased spouse. The person who most closely resembled his dead wife was his daughter Dymphna. Horrifyingly, he attempted to marry his own daughter, so she fled to another country.

Eventually the king located Dymphna in Belgium where she had fled. He demanded she return with him to Ireland. When she refused, he took out his sword and cut off her head.

This tragic story is the source of St. Dymphna's patronage of those with mental illness. Clearly her father had gone crazy. Perhaps through her prayers in heaven, she was able to convert his heart.


These are just 3 saints who are invoked against epilepsy. The following is a prayer against epilepsy said to St. Dymphna:

Good Saint Dymphna, great wonder-worker in every affliction of mind and body, I humbly implore your powerful intercession with Jesus through Mary, the Health of the Sick, in my present need. (Mention it.) Saint Dymphna, martyr of purity, patroness of those who suffer with nervous and mental afflictions, beloved child of Jesus and Mary, pray to Them for me and obtain my request.

(Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.)

Saint Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Feast Day of Christ the King Christus Rex


O Lord our God, You alone are the Most Holy King and Ruler of all nations.

We pray to You, Lord, in the great expectation of receiving from You, O Divine King, mercy, peace, justice and all good things.

Protect, O Lord our King, our families and the land of our birth.

Guard us we pray Most Faithful One.

Protect us from our enemies and from Your Just Judgment.

Forgive us, O Sovereign King, our sins against you.

Jesus, You are a King of Mercy.

We have deserved Your Just Judgment

Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us.

We trust in Your Great Mercy.

O most awe-inspiring King, we bow before You and pray;

May Your Reign, Your Kingdom, be recognized on earth.
