Wednesday, May 18, 2022

TV Commercials have become hotbeds of radical leftwing propaganda

I had the displeasure of watching ordinary TV today and it's really becoming very over-the-top, especially when it comes to commercials. There is such a huge push on sexual immorality. The crazy thing is that the commercials don't even reflect how our society is currently going which is bad enough. The commercials present an absolute dystopia, far worse than it already is.

Let me explain a little. Almost any commercial featuring "couples", be it married couples or other, features at least one if not several gay couples. You would think from watching these commercials that 50% of people are in a gay couple. It does not reflect reality at all.

But it goes further than this. Drag queens, transsexuals, and others now feature prominently in a large percentage of commercials. I was watching one where there was a man wearing makeup and feminine clothing eating a taco. The commercial was for Taco Bell. Can we not eat fast food without being overloaded with these bizarre and immoral characters? Mark Dice has produced several videos documenting these types of advertisements.

Another commercial I saw featured two gay men and went on about their feelings for one another. It was a commercial for eHarmony. Whether it's a commercial for Ritz, M&Ms, or almost anything else, there is a strange obsession with featuring couples in immoral relationships.

One thing you will rarely see is a white heterosexual married couple. Try it sometime. I have absolutely no issue with interracial relationships, but I just find it odd that they would go so much out of their way to avoid showing what is probably the most common form of couple in the country.

It just annoys me that you can't sit down and watch a TV show without being exposed to endless propaganda by Leftwing extremists who want nothing but to absolutely destroy families and our society. Why do Ritz and Oreos have to be political anyway? They're just junk food. Do they have to make some political statement when promoting junk food? How is transgenderism in any way related to sugar cookies?

I don't know where to turn anymore. For the most part, I record shows I want to watch and then just skip through the commercials. That's why after not seeing them for a while it has become obvious how extreme they have become.

At some point I might just stop watching TV altogether.


  1. You have strayed really far from the stated purpose of this blog, " is an easy-to-read blog regarding news, events, and opinions of what is happening inside the Catholic Church."

    Not saying I disagree with your post above, that's not relevant to my point. Used to enjoy reading your posts about issues inside the Church, history of Church activities, etc. If I want to find culture war articles (by either side), there are many places I can go for that. Finding thoughtful posts about the Church is much more difficult.

  2. Hello and thank you for your feedback. I have not been writing a lot on this blog in recent times and I should be. I thank you very much for your feedback and understand your concern. I guess this was just something I felt personally about but I get where you are coming from. I will look at writing more informative articles about Catholicism in the future. Thanks for being a reader.
