Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Stupid Abortion Argument #25918: If you don't pay all expenses of a child, then you aren't pro-life

A popular new argument being brought by pro-choice advocates is that you aren't really pro-life unless you pay for some or all expenses related to raising a child. The specific argument can vary.  For example, when advocating that children not be killed in the womb some pro-choice people will ask "How many children have you adopted?" Others might rhetorically asked if you are willing to pay all of the expenses associated with having this child.

On a purely logical basis this line of reasoning is easily answered. Pro-life people believe that human life begins at conception and that purposely ending the life of an innocent human being after conception is murder. It is a very basic an easy concept to understand.   Any deliberate killing of a human being is gravely morally wrong. Stating this fact and telling others about it is a morally good thing to do. This is a very basic concept.

In order to advocate that a particular group of people not be killed, one has no moral obligation to first agree to provide for any or all of their material needs. This is an illogical belief. This would make no more sense than saying in order for one to say that innocent people should not be killed one must first agree to provide for all of the material needs of the people they say should not be killed. If I advocate for the idea that homeless people should not be arbitrarily murdered in the streets it does not make sense to say I must bring all homeless people into my home in order to advocate this position.

In fact, I doubt in reality that anybody truly believes that in order to advocate on behalf of the right to life of an individual we must agree to bring that individual into our home or to pay for their material needs. Even answering this objection is difficult only in the sense that it is so obvious that there's not really any logical argumentation required in order to make that point.  But then again advocacy of abortion is not based on logic but on convenience.

Once again, the true point of argumentation when it comes to abortion is whether the pre-born child is a human being or not. Pro-choicers will call an unborn child anything but a child. They say it's a clump of cells, a potential life, etc. All of these are emotive and non-scientific stances. By definition, there is a human being upon the fertilization of an egg by a sperm to form a zygote. This zygote grows quickly. After around 5-9 days there are hundreds of cells and after 2 weeks most organs have begun to form. This child has unique DNA and the heart, lungs, etc. have begun development. To say this is not a human person is absurd.

This is just the most recent "argument" presented by pro-choicers. It should be summarily dismissed.


  1. Two of the leading causes of baby deaths: abortion and atheists.

    In cases of sexual abuse and medical emergency (to the mother, the baby, or both) I think abortion is necessary... but those are the only cases in which abortion is okay. However, most abortions are done because the parents changed their minds, the parents didn't like the baby's gender, or simply for no reason at all.

    And when atheists aren't aborting babies just because they feel like it, they're killing babies in churches, daycares, and their own homes. If they can control their barbaric, murderous urges for a few years, they'll shoot kids in elementary schools.

    Abortion needs more regulations, and atheism should be officially labeled as a severe mental illness.

    1. We need to put an end to atheist supremacy. Clueless atheists and their holier-than-thou superiority complex demonizong Christians and worshipping themselves and other atheists has to stop. Otherwise, more innocent people are going to be killed in abortions and church shootings.

    2. Atheists are heartless witches who rely on make-believe concepts of a causeless universe and macroevolution to justify their terrible actions.

      We INTELLIGENT Americans (aka Christians) need to be in control, so don't stop voting your values! We will not let the atheists win!

  2. Atheists are insane. Let's lock them all up! There will be no more unnecessary abortions, bullying and political unrest will be things of the past, and we can actually progress scientifically and as a society in general without those stupid atheist freaks holding us back! :D

    1. Atheists are douchebags. I'm directly opposed to them and everything they believe in.

      We should deport them. XD

    2. Atheism is just as made-up as Snow White and Cinderella ffs. Don't worry about atheists. They're just a small minority of weak, useless, mentally-retarded, fairytale-believing little pussies who can't even punch their way through a wet paper bag. We can take them down easily.

  3. It was atheists who killed hundreds of millions of people in the last century. It was scientists (99% of which were Christians/theists) who saved hundreds of millions of lives in the last century. :O

    In the beginning, God made man, then man made atheism, then all of the world's problems followed the invention of the lie known as atheism.

  4. Atheis5s literally destroyed society with excessive abortions because they just love killing black people, disabled people, and anyone else who is different from them. Barbarians! The sooner the immoral, illogical, evil, disgusting religion of atheism dies, the better!

  5. If they would just do away with that stupid atheist crap, millions of lives would be saved.

  6. Like a cult, atheism convinces you that you and every other living being on earth is worthless and that it doesn't matter if you take someone else's life. It's sickening. This is why atheists shouldn't have rights; they use their disgusting religion to kill and destroy without even a hint of remorse. Atheism should be illegal just like pedophilia. Both are equally dangerous and repulsive.

  7. Much darkness, much cruelty, most oppression is caused by people who say there is no God. And choose express that belief. These people (atheists) are creating darkness. The sooner we outlaw atheism, the better. A world without atheists sounds like paradise to me. :D

  8. Atheism is not rational.

    Atheists are so dumb and illogical that they believe in millions of made-up genders, but deny the fact that unborn babies are human.

    1. How Christians react whenever atheists try to sound smart and rational: XD *point and laugh*

  9. Atheism promotes murdering unborn children, especially black ones. Why? Because atheism teaches that anyone who isn't deemed worthy by atheists deserves to die; that includes black people, fetuses (or as atheists call them... "clumps of cells"), women who say no to sex, theists (especially Christians), and people who disagree with atheistic pseudoscience (such as there being more than two genders).

    That's why I'm a Christian. Christianity promotes critical thinking and encourages us to view life as sacred, rather than believing we're all just one big cosmic accident and that we don't matter.

    1. Atheists hate black people because their religion teaches them that black people are less evolved than everyone else. They want to eliminate anyone who isn't a straight, cisgender, white, male, liberal atheist. If they could get away with it without getting caught, they'd kill every black, theistic, female, conservative, LGBT+, or autistic person they come across. All atheists have ever known how to do is kill, destroy, and hate.

  10. This is why I'm anti-atheist. Atheism is pro-murder, pro-pedophilia, pro-rape, pro-bullying, anti-morality, anti-science, pro-hatred, and pro-violence.

    If all atheists were sterilized and locked away in insane asylums where they belong, we'd all be so much better off. Atheists are useless, subhuman, disgusting pieces of filth and a complete waste of oxygen. They don't matter, and to call them "human" is not only inaccurate, but is an insult to real humans. No one needs them, likes them, wants them, and they will not be missed by anyone.

    1. Can we abort atheists late-term? That would be nice.

  11. Atheism: society's cancer.

  12. Shit atheists say: "Killing unborn children is perfectly moral and ethical, but Christianity is immoral because God tells people not to kill!"

  13. This shit is why I hate atheism.

    They claim to be the smartest, kindest, most loving people, but in reality, they are the dumbest, cruelest, and most hateful people; they believe we all came from a magical slimedaddy and that there are more than two genders, they believe that babies aren't human and should be exterminated, and they relentlessly bully and harass anyone who's different from them.

    There's no hate like atheist love!

  14. Atheists in the morning: "Oh boy! Who am I going to kill today?! Christians? No, I did that last Sunday. Jews? Nah, I did that last Saturday. Muslims? Well, I killed the only Muslims in my neighborhood and just barely got away with it because the media blamed it on a 'parking dispute' that never happened. Hmmm.... Well, I have to kill SOMEBODY. My slimedaddy ancestor demands it. *Snaps fingers* I know! I'll kill unborn children under the guise of 'healthcare'! BRILLIANT!"

  15. The same atheists that have killed hundreds of millions of Theists in the past few decades want to kill innocent children that they view as "unwanted parasites".

    Is anyone surprised? The atheists are bloodthirsty murderers who will do anything to kill innocent human beings for sport.

    Filthy, immoral monsters... every single one of them!

  16. Atheism: A compendium of fairytales for childish idiots who are afraid of responsibility and accountability. Side effects of atheism may include the strong desires to abuse Christian relatives and friends, murder infants, rape underaged children, and spend all day every day in your mother's basement bullying Christians on Facebook. Do not use atheism if... Just don't use atheism at all. It makes you crazy, stupid, and immoral. Take one to two doses of the Bible every day to cure you of your atheistic psychosis.

  17. I have my issues with atheists and atheism in general, namely I think they're insane and they believe in fairytales, but the way atheists treat babies and children is the worst thing about them. They support infanticide and pedophilia. Yet atheism is the religion promoted by the public school system. DISGUSTING!

  18. Wow, is this for real, or just a parody? Sadly, I think you all are serious. Such hatred and ignorant rhetoric toward people who are your fellow human beings. You certainly aren't following the teachings of Jesus. So unfortunate.

  19. This is why I'll never believe that there is no God. People who believe that there is no God believe that making up your own gender is "scientific" and that murdering babies shortly before or even shortly after birth is morally acceptable or even GOOD!

  20. Atheists, like liberals, are low-IQ idiots who don't understand science.

  21. I've been hearing atheists freaking out about conservatoves and pro-life Christians talking away women's rights by voting against abortion for decades. *Rolls eyes*

    Well, maybe we're protecting the rights of the unborn girls who will grow up to be women one day...

  22. Atheists are uncivilized, barbaric, subhuman monsters. Thank God we've replaced atheism with rational thought.

  23. Not knowing that atheism is a made-up, fictional fairytale has real world consequences. If we don't educate barbaric, ignorant people (atheists), eventually, killing your children at the age of 5 will be deemed socially acceptable. Also, pedophilia will be officially recognized as a "normal" "sexual orientation".

    Fortunately, we Christians know the truth; there is a God, atheism is false, and in the end evil will lose.

  24. "I am morally in support of infanticide up until the age of two."

    "It should be considered ethical to kill people with ideas that I deem harmful."

    This is what atheists say. If your an atheist, you fully support murder. You also support rape, pedophilia, slavery, racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism. If you are an atheist, you have no morals, so you believe anything is permitted as long as it gets you whatever you want.

  25. Those who oppose abortion should, however, acknowledge the need for eugenics. So that people like myself are spared this existence that I hate and never asked for. Do you want to be born mentally ill? Ugly? An ugly loser hunchback? What am I supposed to do here on earth? And the Churches just _SUCK_. Royally. The Catholic Church -- all Churches really -- sin greatly by aligning with the globalist satanist sodomites who are currently destroying the West, mostly by degarding our moral standards and flooding us with refugees.
