Wednesday, November 02, 2016

All Souls Day

A Voice of Reason Amid Insane Gender Confusion

St. Malachy Biographical Information

When was St. Malachy Born?
He was born 1095, of noble birth

Where was St. Malachy Born?
Armagh, Ireland

When and where did St. Malachy Die?
He died on November 2, 1148 AD, in Clairvaux, France

What did St. Malachy do?
St. Malachy was bishop of Down, Ireland from 1124 to 1148 and bishop of Connor from 1124 to 1136/1137. He was also bishop of Bangor, Ireland.

What is his Irish name?
His Middle Irish name is Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair
His Modern Irish name is: Maelmhaedhoc Ó Morgair

How do we know about St. Malachy?
Much of our knowledge of this saint comes from St. Bernard of Clairveaux.

What is St. Malachy the Patron Saint of?
St. Malachy is the patron saint of 3 diocese: Archdiocese of Armagh, Diocese of Down, and Diocese of Connor

When is St. Malachy's Feast Day?
St. Malachy's Feast Day is 1 day after his death, on November 3, 1148.

Happy All Souls Day

If people do not realize that the day following Halloween is called All Saints Day, even fewer people realize that the next day is called All Souls day. All Souls day is a very specific day within Catholicism. It's a day when we pray for the souls of people who have died before us. But it is not for everybody who has died. We do not need to pray for people who are in Hell obviously because hell is a place of Eternal damnation from which There Is No Escape. At the same time we do not need to pray for the souls of people who are in heaven already because they are already joined in the beatific Vision with God and therefore we do not need to pray for them because they have already attained the ultimate good. Therefore logically speaking the only people that we are praying for during All Souls day are people who are in purgatory.

Although like many believes many people have omitted all form of belief and purgatory, it is still very much part of the Catholic and Orthodox religions. Although not exactly the same the Jewish religion also has certain beliefs in a form of purgatory. However I am not an expert in Judaism and so I refrain from going any further than this. Purgatory for Catholics is a place of purification. In fact this is where the very name comes from we believe that people who died not in a state of mortal sin but in a state of grace you have not attained an adequately high level of perfection must go through a purification process. We know this because we know that nothing that is impure or anything that is not perfect cannot enter into heaven. We also know that many people who died are not yet perfect. Therefore we have two options. The first option is to believe that anybody who is less than perfect will go to hell. Many very extreme people have taken this position. However reasonable people who trust in the mercy of God cannot under any circumstances believe in such a strict belief system. Therefore because God is merciful he allows people to enter into his kingdom even though they are not yet perfect. It is precisely in purgatory that they attained this perfection.

Therefore on November 2nd remember to pray for the souls of people who have died. We have no way of knowing if any particular individual is actually in hell. And for the vast majority of people we have no certain way of knowing they are in heaven. Therefore we can pray for the vast majority if not all people who have died except canonized saints. However let's not just use this most blessed day to only pray for people who have died. Let us in fact use this day to contemplate our own mortality. We too shall face our own demise and will one day be faced with judgment. Will we be condemned to hell or will we ultimately be destined for heaven even if along the way on that Journey we must be purified?

Holy Saints throughout history have received Revelations about the nature of purgatory and it is spoken about to some degree so very little in the Bible both in the Old and New Testaments. Generally what they reveal is that Purgatory is a sort of Bittersweet place because while on the one hand there is great pain and suffering torments of many types as our sinful tendencies are violently ripped from our bodies from our minds and from our souls at the same time these tortured Souls are comforted in the knowledge that their ultimate destination is an eternal peace and joy greater than anything that could ever be attained on earth with the Holy Trinity.
Happy All Souls day everybody.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Pope Francis on Women Priests Meme

You Won't Believe What Alberta Wants to Force on Kids Now...

In a shocking move that plummets Alberta deeper and deeper into the mire of sexual immorality and perversion, the province is now considering forcing all children to be subjected to gender confusion brainwashing. In a dystopia George Orwell couldn't dream of, no one is safe from this from this insidiousness. Administrators and government officials in Alberta and elsewhere in Canada won't be happy until not only the family, but all sexuality and gender is either completely perverted or destroyed.

To be more specific, starting at age 12, children will be forced to sit through hours of gender brainwashing, being asked to reconsider their gender and to experiment with various genders and sexual identities. Many more conservative readers are not aware that many gender extremists have identified dozens of genders, a list which is expanding more and more each day.

Recently I read a story about a 4 year old being dragged through the courts for his mother's right to call him a girl and dress him as such. This kid is FOUR. I feel bad for this poor child who, if he stays with his divorced mother, will doubtlessly end up with massive psychological issues and confusion.

Back to the story. By the way, it keeps getting worse. As part of the initiative to have every child reconsider his or her gender and give them options for several dozen genders (kind of like choosing your favorite flavour of ice cream), these extremists are now suggesting having a drag queen visit classrooms to show the young students how they dress and do their makeup. That's right, the school will invite older men who dress up like women in the most outrageous and gaudy clothes and makeup to "teach" kids what it's all about to be a transvestite.

Oh, but to top it all off and really make Joseph Stalin proud, there is no option for a parent to remove his or her child from this class. That's right, another basic human freedom under assault in Canada. By that I mean the freedom of parents to educate their children. These authoritarian control freak perverts will not rest until they create massive confusion and gender confusion among the entire student body and realize their goal of eradicating families and sexuality.

That was always the goal of public education - easy manipulation of the populace. The lunatics have completely taken control of the asylum, and now they are forcing kids to be subjected to their insanity. We must outright refuse. Forget voting, that does nothing. We must create a revolution and stand up to these disgusting perverts.

If you don't believe me, or for more information, read this CBC article. CBC, by the way, will never report the truth. Instead, they cater to the most extreme leftist, feminist extremists around, so you can be sure if they are reporting this, it's accurate and probably significantly sugar-coated. BTW, CBC must be de-funded also ASAP.


Happy All Saints Day

Everyone knows October 31st is Halloween. Most people especially most children celebrated by dressing up in funny and scary costumes and going door-to-door collecting candies from anybody who'll give them some. But what very few people actually stop to realize is that Halloween actually means All Hallows Eve. That's because the following day Is All Hallows day. That is the day in the Catholic calendar where we celebrate all the saints who are in heaven. This does not just include Saints who are officially named like Saint Teresa of Avila or st. Padre Pio or st. Francis of Assisi. This of course also includes anybody who is in heaven. Nobody currently knows exactly how many people are in heaven. But November 1st is designated as the official day of the year where Catholics around the world celebrate and ask for the prayers of these holy people in heaven who are very close to God. This year let's not just celebrate All Hallows Eve let's also celebrate All Saints Day which is today November 1st 2016.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Dear Followers of this Blog

Recently I started a facebook page for this blog! Lots of really awesome content there. PLEASE go there and like the page. THANKS!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Alberta and Transgenderism

Alberta is jumping completely on the transgender bandwagon. They announced completely over-the-top legislation in relation to schools. Here are some of them:

1) Children pick their own pronoun.
A child determines if they want to be referred to as he, she, ze, it, they or use no pronoun whatsoever. On report cards, when being spoken to by teachers or parents, or in any other way, the school must under all circumstances abide by whatever the child decides. Even if the child is 4 or 5 years old, this still applies and can be changed at any time on the whim of the child.

2) Boys or Girls can play for any team
Boys and Girls will no longer be divided in Alberta based on gender. Rather, each child can pick whatever team they would rather play on. So a boy can decide to play on the girl's team or vice verse. Again, because gender is fluid and can change, a boy can switch to the girl's team and then back again at will.

3) Kids can choose whichever bathroom or locker room they go into
Again, with no other requirement than verbal request, a child can choose whether to go into a girls' bathroom or locker room or a boys'. There are no rules or conditions. They can just do whatever they want in this regard. Also, schools are mandated to have a third, gender-less bathroom for any student who hasn't decided to or doesn't want to disclose their gender.

4) Schools are mandated to have Gay-Straight Alliances.
These are clubs where gay and non-gay students can meet to talk about sexuality and to find ways of ending homophobia and transphobia. In reality, they tell every person to question their sexuality and encourage perversion.

Obviously there are some schools which oppose these measures for religious reasons, and Canada, being a country that recognizes religious diversity and various approaches to raising children, allows exemptions for such groups. LOL, just kidding. There are absolutely no such exemptions. Religious schools will absolutely be forced to participate in all of this.

If a religious school or school board refuses to call a 5 year old boy a girl upon request, they will lose all of their funding from the province. Of course, this is one more reason why public funding of schools needs to end immediately. As the advocates of this system long ago declared, public education doesn't exist because poor people couldn't get an education. It exists so that bureaucrats can more easily force people to act a certain way and for this to apply across the board.

All schools are doing is creating vast confusion for students as they struggle through school. Even though transgenderism only appeared extremely recently and it extraordinarily uncommon, everybody must be subject to its dictates. There is no place for good-willed Christian parents to send their children for school. The measures will only continue to get worse and worse as even private schools are forbidden from teaching real sexuality. Unless you are teaching perversion, you will be forcibly banned from education.

More on this perversion: CBC

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Question #9: Do we have to take a Catholic baptism seriously or is it mostly just a fun little ritual?

This is Question and Answer #9 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question #9: Do we have to take a Catholic baptism seriously or is it mostly just a fun little ritual?

One of my pet peeves is people who attend a baptism and snicker and joke throughout the whole thing. Some parents will purposely goad their kids into “performing” and everyone just pays attention to these kids instead of to the sacred event that is taking place. They take the whole thing as a joke. If it's such a joke, maybe you have to reconsider whether you should even be doing this.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

October 22: Feast Day of Pope St. John Paul II

Question #8 My buddy is cohabiting or living together with his girlfriend and isn’t married. Can he be a Catholic godfather?

This is Question and Answer #8 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question #8 My buddy is cohabiting or living together with his girlfriend and isn’t married. Can he be a Catholic godfather?

Again, as mentioned yesterday, if he is living in defiance of Church teaching then he’s not a good candidate. If him and his partner are living as brother and sister for the time being, then he would be allowed.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Question #7: Can my gay friend be a godparent at a Catholic baptism?

This is Question and Answer #7 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question #7: Can my gay friend be a godparent at a Catholic baptism?

If your friend is living in defiance of Church teaching on sexuality, then he is not permitted to be a godparent. Simply being attracted to people of the same sex would NOT disqualify the person however. It’s only if they are openly opposing the Church.

What day of the week is Christmas Day 2016?

Christmas Day 2016 is on SUNDAY, December 25, 2016

Because Christmas Day is on a Sunday, Advent is the earliest it can possibly be this year. In Canada, Christmas Day is a holy day of obligation, one of only two. Also, Catholics are required to attend Mass every Sunday. That means this season, there are no "additional" Masses that must be attended since they fall on Sunday. Same goes for New Years Day which is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. That's the other holy day of obligation and it falls on a Sunday, so no additional Mass day is required.

When is the First Sunday of Advent 2016?

The first Sunday of Advent 2016 prior to Christmas will be on November 27, 2016.

This is very unique in that it is the earliest possible day for Advent in any given year in the Catholic Church and for Christianity in general. That's because it's on a Sunday and because of that the fourth Sunday of Advent is a Sunday and the following week is Christmas day. Normally if it was another day of the week, the Christmas Day would be just the following Sunday. Since the fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Day cannot be on the same day, it is therefore the longest possible time in between.

The latest day possible for the first Sunday of Advent is December 3rd. Incidentally that's when it is next year! So this year it is the earliest possible Advent and next year it's the latest possible advent.

The rest of the Sundays of Advent are as follows:
1st Sunday of Advent 2016: November 27, 2016
2nd Sunday of Advent 2016: December 4, 2016
3rd Sunday of Advent 2016: December 11, 2016
4th Sunday of Advent 2016: December 18, 2016
Christmas Day: December 25, 2016

"Here she [Hillary Clinton] is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics."

Donald Trump blasted Hillary Clinton last night at the Al Smith Memorial Dinner. The last time the two candidates meet on the campaign trail before the election in November.

At one point in his speech, Trump said the following:
We’ve learned so much from WikiLeaks. For example, Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy and a totally different policy in private. That’s okay. I don’t know who they’re angry at Hillary, you or I. For example, here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics.

What is Trump referring to?

Wikileaks revealed a string of emails from the chairman of Hillary Clinton's Chairman John Podesta to John Halpin, former Democratic Strategist and Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary Clinton's Director of Communications. In them, they bash Catholics.

Here are some transcripts:

From: Halpin, To: Jennifer Palmieri and John Podesta:Excellent point. They can throw around "Thomistic" thought and "subsidiarity" and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they're talking about.
Jennifer Palmieri wrote:I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals.
John Halpin:Ken Auletta's latest piece on Murdoch in the New Yorker starts off with the aside that both Murdoch and Robert Thompson, managing editor of the WSJ, are raising their kids Catholic. Friggin' Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.
Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the SC and think tanks to the media and social groups.
It's an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.

You can just see the vitriol being spewed by these people, the highest officials in the Clinton presidential campaign.

Pretty much any Democrat, especially party officials who claims to be Catholic is so in name only. They are ardent defenders of abortion right up to moments before birth. Plus, it seems fine at Democratic gatherings to openly mock Catholics.

Later, one of the emailers stood by his comments and refused to apologize. Somehow his explanation is that he was just reacting to news that Rupert Murdoch had baptized his children in the Jordan river. Yes, I can see why he was so triggered by this! Makes perfect sense! He wants people to believe that the Clinton staffers involved in the email chain really respect Catholics. Give me a break!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Question #6: But I want to pick my best friend as godparent in Catholic ceremony!

This is Question and Answer #6 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question #6: But I want to pick my best friend as godparent in Catholic ceremony!

Baptism is not some kind of personal statement to showcase your friends. It’s a solemn occasion where a person is being spiritually cleansed of original sin. You are choosing a godparent or sponsor to keep your child on the right spiritual path. If the whole thing is just a naming ceremony and you don’t really believe in a spiritual reality or in this sacrament, then you should consider whether or not to even baptize your child, as Canon Law states baptism should only be given to children who have a reasonable hope of being raised in a Christian fashion.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Question #5: When did godparenthood begin in the history of Catholicism?

This is Question and Answer #5 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question #5: When did godparenthood begin in the history of Catholicism?

Most believe it started in the 4th century, once Christianity became legal to prevent pagan infiltration of the sacrament and to bolster it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Question 4: Can you forgo the requirement of having a godparent in Catholicism?

This is Question and Answer #4 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question 4: Can you forgo the requirement of having a godparent in Catholicism?

No. At least one godparent is required. You can have up to 2. The only case where no godparent is required is if the child or adult being baptized is in danger of death. Baptism is so important that this requirement will be waived in these cases.

Monday, October 17, 2016

This is Question and Answer #3 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question 3: What are the restrictions on WHO can be a Godparent in Catholicism?

Well, as mentioned, at least one of the two people must be a Catholic, and should be one in good standing. That person can be either male or female and must be at least 16 years old. The other has to be a Christian at least with same restriction about age.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Question #2: What is the Role of Godparents in Catholicism?

This is Question and Answer #2 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question 2: What is the role of Godparents in Catholicism

Contrary to popular opinion, the main role of a godparent isn’t just to take over for the care of the child in case the parents die. They could fulfill this role, but that’s not the point. Godparents are meant to be witnesses to the faith, to show good example and instruct the baptized in the faith. That’s why it’s good to select a practicing Catholic who believes in the faith. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Godparents: Part 1: How many Godparents can someone have at a Catholic Baptism?

This is Question and Answer #1 in a series on Godparents. Each day I will answer a question. If you have your own question, please post it as a comment to this post. Thank you.

Question 1: How many Godparents can someone have at a Catholic Baptism?

The person being baptized can have up to 2 sponsors. At least one of the two has to be a Catholic in good standing, meaning they strive to attend Mass at least once a week and are living according to the Church’s teachings. The other can also be a Catholic, but it is permitted to have a non-Catholic Christian “witness”. Technically this person is not a godparent or sponsor, but is rather a Christian witness.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Too much emphasis on "Green"? Part I: Food

In the first of a multi-part series, I will discuss whether we place the wrong emphasis on moral issues and whether our Catholic leadership may be somewhat to blame.

I think a lot of Catholics are confused by rhetoric we hear from our leaders recently. There is a key element to the confusion and that is order of importance. As you know, our current pope has made many comments regarding climate change, food shortages, capitalism, being more inclusive, etc. But what he usually fails to emphasize is context. Take food for instance. He says we shouldn’t waste food. I don’t think this is a forgone conclusion by any means. Obviously people shouldn’t purposely try to waste food but no one does that on purpose anyway. People at least intend to eat whatever they buy. So is it a sin to throw out rotten or expired food? In my opinion it’s not.

For whatever reason, people seem obsessed about food more so than other goods. This makes sense since food directly feeds us, so it seems bad when someone else is starving but we throw out food, in some cases things starving people would be willing to eat. Yet we have no problem with people throwing out clothing, furniture, electronics, or any other goods for the most part. No one says “Hey! Someone in Africa doesn’t have furniture, how can you just throw it out!” We can see this is not even logical. Whether or not you keep a couch will not determine whether the person in Africa will get one. Likewise with food. Whether or not I consume a rotten banana will not feed an African or Indian or anyone else. But the visceral reaction to food waste remains.

In reality, we can only help people eat by increasing economic prosperity for those people. The reason people cannot eat is because they have no money. Obviously the first thing you’ll spend money on is food. Our consumption or non-consumption is irrelevant. The Earth can easily produce more than enough food for everyone. So it’s not as if us wasting food leaves less for everyone else. In fact, according to basic supply and demand theory in economics, if we buy MORE food, the price will go down. Ironically, wasting food is therefore probably beneficial to people who don’t have enough.

Another option we have for providing food to the needy is simply giving them food or money to pay for food. I feel this is a short term solution, because ultimately we all know the saying about teaching a man to fish versus just giving him a fish.

My main point is I have never heard of anyone who purposely throws out good food for no reason except to destroy the planet or for lack of concern for the poor. It’s usually done because the food is gone bad. I do not see any moral issues here with this situation. Plus, if you make the argument that throwing out food means you could have given it to the poor, you could equally make the argument that spending money on too much house or too much clothing or too many movies could have instead been spent on buying food for the poor. I don’t see throwing out food as an important moral issue of our time. Maybe once we are morally perfect, this issue could be addressed. I don’t think the pope should be spending valuable time discussing this topic. There are far more important and immediate sins that must be addressed. Another reason to not discuss this so much is the ongoing confusion people have with real spirituality and a sort of pagan worship of mother earth. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that often people openly involved in manifest sin will emphasize saving the planet or saving animals and will pay little attention to moral sins such as lust, anger, pride, etc. They say as long as you are saving mother earth, all is good, because the “higher power” doesn’t really care about your personal life. With the pope talking about saving the planet all the time, this only lends credence to this pagan view.

I can’t blame the pope entirely for this state of affairs. He has spoken definitively on issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. but the media doesn’t like reporting this. They have branded him this new avant-garde hip pope who is “with it” and therefore doesn’t talk about those things as much. He’s the cool green pope. Or so they want to believe. Look, I, like a lot of devout Catholics, have an issue with how Pope Francis gives off-the-cuff remarks on a variety of topics, usually in an airplane which leaves the faithful confused. So I think he has to be extremely careful about the messages he purveys. People will always take the path of least resistance. If they believe they can be good people by recycling and posting pro-environmental messages on Facebook rather than actually being a morally good people, they will, and they will use any excuse they can to avoid the actually challenging stuff. That’s why I think it’s so important to have moral clarity in a time of confusion.

Tune in soon for the next installment of this series.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Trump's Audio Tape: Progressives' Hypocrisy

Progressives are out in force bashing Trump's latest audio tape where he makes lewd remarks about women. The level of moralizing coming from these leftist is astounding. It's just sheer moral outrage, as if an unspeakable crime has transpired.

In the meantime, this group of shocked progressives is the same group that actively promotes every and all forms of sexual expression, perversion and depravity. Nothing is off limits for these people adn their ilk, yet they feign disgust when Trump makes some locker room banter.

On the one hand, they promote every form of sexual depravity, telling us it's totally fine to have sex with as many people as you want, whenever you want, however you want. Republicans and conservatives are routinely bashed as being prudish and moralistic because they want to place restrictions on sexuality.

These progressives say there should be no youngest age to be sexual, nothing wrong with any number of partners, they condone all forms of sexuality including violent and degrading ones as long as there is "consent". Then of course when something inevitably goes wrong (or right because sex is actually designed for reproduction), they are the first group to advocate abortion.

So this group condones and encourages every form of sexual perversion and when this leads to pregnancy, they just as strongly encourage the killing of a small child.

If anyone complains that certain pornographic material is offensive or that sexual education in schools shouldn't include all kinds of weird and perverse things, the progressives are always the first to jump down their throats demanding they accept it all and teach it to their kids.

But then when Trump, the epitome of what they want for society in terms of sexual views, actually expresses his views from ten years ago, these fraudsters pretend they are all shocked and we've insulted and harassed their innocent ears.

It's all hypocrisy!

Martha Raddatz: "Sometimes there are good reasons for that"

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? During the debate tonight, moderator Martha Raddatz literally treid to debate Donald Trump. He was asked about what he woudl do in Aleppo, a city in Syria. While answering, he said it was a bad idea to tell the enemy the plans before they take place. He was INTERRUPTED by the moderator who insisted multiple tiems in a row that sometimes the military has good reasons for doing this including psychological warfare etc.

It was one of the most blatant examples of the moderators trying to help Hillary Clinton. Under absolutely no circumstances is it the responsibility of the media or moderators to debate Trump when he is supposed to be debating his opponent. I don't recall them helping Trump against Hillary. This reminds me of when Candy Crowley was trying to help Obama when he was debating Mitt Romney by taking it upon herself to debate Romney.

I can't find the exact clip, but here's a small sample of this moderator interrupting and trying to debate Trump:

Trump beats Hillary in 2nd Debate

After watching the entire debate and reading some of the comments online, it seems very clear, Trump won the second debate.

Right from the get-go Anderson Cooper, one of the moderators, attacked Trump on the new audio tape released where he makes lewd comments about a woman and women in general. It wasn't enough that Cooper brought this up, the other moderator, Martha Raddatz had her turn with virtually the same question.

The moderators of this debate were clearly in favour of Clinton. If Trump went a second or two over his time, they would pounce on him. Very often, while he was answering a question, the moderators would cut him off to say he wasn't answering correctly or challenge him on his answer. This rarely if ever happened to Hillary. Hillary was only interrupted a couple of times, while it was a constant occurrence for Trump.

But Trump wouldn't let all that happen that easily. He called out the biased questioners and said he was not being treated fairly which was 100% true. They never brought up the 33,000 deleted emails, even though at least twice they brought up his recent tape where he made lewd comments over 10 years ago. Last, I checked though, lewd comments didn't threaten national security.

Trump had a number of good zingers. When Clinton blasted him or not paying more in taxes, Trump responded by saying it's the government and specifically her that is responsible for the laws, he just follows them. It's a pretty stupid argument anyway that someone is not paying more than they are required to.

So despite the moderators actively debating Trump and him having to take on 3 to 1, Trump clearly came out the winner, and this isn't just form my perspective. I think overall most commentators will believe the same thing.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

They keep interrupting Trump

Trump isn't taking this lying down.  Goes after Bill Clinton's horrendous record with rape and sexual assault and Hillary laughing about getting a rapist of a 12 year girl of without conviction.

Anderson Cooper goes for jugular right away bashing Trump about the tapes.

Trump says we need to focus on ISIS.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Donald Trump's Lewd Comments: A Catholic Perspective

So by now you've all heard about Trump's derogatory, base, sexual comments about women. This happened about 10 years ago when he was with Billy Bush from one of those celebrity shows kind of like Entertainment Tonight. It's not clear to me if he knew the mic was on. But anyway, let's just say Trump made some very vulgar comments about women. That footage was released in the past 24 hours.

They say the comments were made in 2005, not sure the exact day. But that means Trump was probably just married to his new wife Melania, whom he married in January 22, 2005. So he just got married and he was making some very explicit and lewd comments about other women. So let's analyze this from a Catholic perspective.

Guys and Lust

So clearly Donald Trump's comments showed a level of lust towards women. But the comments were also degrading and vulgar. In any event, many men have lustful or lewd thoughts when seeing or interacting with women. This is not uncommon. Now, in Catholicism we are called to be chaste and pure. Sexuality is reserved for the marriage bed and we must try, to the best of our ability, to be respectful and not lust after women.

But I don't think this was just about lust. It was also a show of dominance on his part. He wanted to show the other guy his sexual prowess. Keep in mind also during this interaction, Trump is in his late 50s. He just married a woman (third marriage). You'd think he would have learned by now.

So the point of this section is simply to say a lot of guys have lustful thoughts, but really it's up to us to try to contain them and to look upon women with respect and love, not as objects of our base desires.

It Was Done Publicly

One of the problems with these comments by Trump is the public nature of them. Again, I don't know if he was aware he was being recorded. But he spoke them out loud. They weren't private thoughts. He was announcing them for other people to hear. I think this adds to the severity of it.

Asked Forgiveness

In the end, once this footage was released, Trump immediately apologized. He didn't make excuses, he just apologized and said he is sorry for saying those lewd comments. I, for one, accept his apology. For one thing, many many guys unfortunately engage in this type of banter. That doesn't make it good, but it does happen. Secondly, we as Christians are obliged to accept someone when they apologize for their actions. He said it was wrong and he's sorry, we should leave it at that.

Plus, let's not act like we've never looked upon a woman with lust or done something immoral or talked a certain way. Why are we holding everyone else up to a higher standard than ourselves? This happens a lot. And if the person apologized, then leave it at that. Trust me, Jesus has forgiven you for a LOT more than this. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Who is Overall Better President

When you look at it overall, Trump is still obviously much better than Hillary. Hillary doesn't apologize for promoting and encouraging abortion. No number of comments, no matter how lewd, can ever equal the killing of an innocent person. Yet Hillary never apologizes. She is unapologetic of her promotion of abortions all throughout pregnancy. The Democratic party thinks it's a wonderful thing! I don't think there's any comparison.

Then you look at her running mate's comments which basically amount to saying "I know it's immoral and wrong to promote abortion, but I don't care what my church (read: conscience and morality) think about this, I will promote it and fund it ANYWAY.

You tell me who is acting more in line with moral law.

My Own Life

Sadly, this kind of talk toward women is all too common. Most workplaces, especially ones with predominantly men or blue collar workplaces, this type of talk is ubiquitous. If you refrain from engaging in it, you soon become the butt of jokes yourself. A true moral superhero could withstand this, but to many guys the pressure is too much. Obviously there are some who want to talk like this, but many others are pressured into it. That's a sad part of culture. The point is, it exists. Trump does it here. But he's not the first and will not be the last. We must use our good Christian witness to show people how to talk about others respectfully.