Today I saw the quote that was something along the lines of an atheist is not so different from a theist, he just believes in one less God than the theist. It's been elaborated to say the theist has dismissed all other "gods" and has chosen to believe in one particular God, but the atheist has simply gone one step further and renounced all gods. At first it sounds like it makes sense, but upon further investigation, it is total nonsense. Let me explain why.
Every culture on the face of the planet has historically believed in God. Many are polytheistic, others are monotheistic, while still others are pantheistic. While they differ on the specifics of what God is like, there is no disagreement that there was some divine entity in the universe. The atheist presents a worldview devoid of God, as opposed to a worldview with God in it. That is the essential difference. Atheists will often try to show that there are thousands of different ideas about God, and they can't all be correct so how can you believe a theist? Well, that's not the point. If everyone has some idea of God, then our question should be what is God really like, not does God exist. An analogy to this would be a man has a wife. Various people have encountered her in different ways. For example, some have heard her on the phone, others have seen pictures of her, some have met her in person, some grew up with her, some met her in later life. Just say 100 people know this woman through one of these methods. If you had a meeting and invited all these 100 people and asked about this man's wife, no one would say she doesn't exist or that the man is single. They may have various ideas about her, some of which may be correct, others which may be false, but the question of whether she exists never comes up, nor should it.
Also, some people may say she has red hair, others might say blond, some may say black, and some may say brown. Now, just say 25% of people believe in each of these colours. If her hair is actually red, those who believe her hair is red would be correct. If the people who believe her hair is red could show why others are wrong, then they could show others their error. For example, those who think her hair is black may have seen a black and white photo. Those who thought it was brown, perhaps the film was tinted. May those who thought it was blond thought so because the picture they saw was too bright. But this does not mean that everyone is wrong because they have different opinions. It just means one knows the truth. And they all know some truth about her.
The statement tries to make a Christian's belief seem very precarious. It presents the Christian as picking oranges from a tree because he believes each one he comes across is spoiled, or has some error and needs to be removed. After removing dozens of oranges, just one remains. The theist looks at it and accepts it, but almost out of a sense that it's the last straw. If he picks this last orange, there are no oranges left. At first he went about picking all the oranges off the tree without even thinking about it much, but now that there's only one left, he defends it with everything he has. The atheist is then presented as being the brave one who sees one last orange and picks it off as quickly as he did the rest. The problem here is that atheism is also an orange. Atheism too is a worldview. In fact, if anything is precarious, it's the atheist point of view. Every orange on the tree has in common a belief in God, but atheist is the lone fruit that does not. Of all the possibilities, 99% are theist and 1% are atheist. This tree of humanity has produced a God-centered people, and the only abnormality is the atheistic point of view. It's the shriveled up fruit that's barely clinging to life.
A point which needs to be made is that the idea presented here is that a theist dismisses all theories about the universe except the Christian one, but how is this different from everything in the field which atheists love so much - science. Before something in the realm of science is shown conclusively, there are dozens or hundreds of theories. Take for instance heliocentrism and its causes. Various cultures believed different things about this issue. Some believed the Sun revolved around the Earth. Others believed the Sun was a divine being that went around the Earth. Some believed the Earth revolved around the sun. As to how it happened, there were many theories also. Some thought the planets had minds of their own. Some believed they were connected by invisible connectors. Some thought God just continually willed the planets to arrange themselves in a certain pattern. Copernicus and Gallelio later identified exactly what happened and how, and with the help of Isaac Newton and his laws of gravity, further insight was given. Out of the hundreds of theories which circulated about the Earth (excuse the pun), only one was correct. This is the case with everything in science. There are always many theories and one proves to be true. One theory which did not emerge however from the heliocentric debate was that the Earth and the Sun do not exist. It would be silly for me to say, "You as a scientist have dismissed all theories about the Earth and the Sun, except one. I have simply gone a step further and dismissed all possibilities."
An important point to emphasize is that my heritage as a Catholic leads me to say I accept all things from other religions which are true. I do not say I dismiss absolutely everything that comes from other religions and accept my own. If someone believes in God, I accept that. If someone believes in helping each other, I accept that. If someone believes in life after death I accept that as well. I do not say Muslims and Jews are completely false. I say they have much truth. So do Hindus and Buddhists. As any scientist will tell you, if something is true, then something which is opposed to this, is false.
As we do specifically during Easter, let us pray for those who do not yet believe in God. He believes in everyone, and wants them to love him like he loves them so much. Mary, Mother of God, lead all people to your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
I lost count of how many "straw mans" you set up over the course of this article. You neglected however to include the quote that is the source of your thoughts.
ReplyDelete"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-- Stephen F Roberts"
To an atheist, roughly 23% of the population now, your god is no less, no more than any false god that you dismiss. The Bronze Age Abrahamic god will in time go the way of all others that came before it.
I agree with the first commenter, wow - strawmans galore!
ReplyDeleteThe point isn't that most people have believed in a god from the beginning of time. So what? Most people in the middle ages believed the world was flat. Popular belief isn't evidence.
The point is that you may very well be wrong about the Judeo Christian god and, in fact, Zeus is the "real god" which would put you out of business and make you as wrong as I am, who believes in no god, including Zeus.
This article is so full of holes I don't even know where to begin.
ReplyDeleteOnce again proving that religion is just hilarious and typical.
ReplyDeleteFree your mind, please?
It is 2009, about time we put away the superstitions of the bronze age mind isn't it?
We have science now, really look into it. It's really interesting.
Are you aware that we are actually highly evolved apes? There were even these big things that lived millions of years ago and everything!
Yeah really, it's fascinating stuff!
This might be a legitimate article if you actually knew what your referenced quote was referring to.
ReplyDeleteOh wait, no it wouldn't.
It was no more of a straw man argument than the original argument from Stephen Roberts was. Seeing this seems to be unrecognised, you fail to see that this author was actually legitimating dealing with what Roberts had said.
ReplyDeleteWow. To the comment about, are you reading the same article as the rest of use or are you not know what a straw man is?
ReplyDeleteThere have been hundreds, if not thousands of gods worshiped in many in the history of man. But yours is the right one.
The point of the quotation, to those that can't understand it, like the author of the above article, is that as a theist, there will be religions and gods that you do not adhere to or believe in, but you'll believe in your own. The way you will feel about those religions that you do not adhere to or believe in, is how atheists might feel about your choice of religion.
What the above author was trying to get at was the full quote of Stephen Roberts - stating that the reason that Christians don't believe in other 'gods' is the same reason why atheists don't believe in the Christian god. It argues that once Christians really came to believe and accept why the don't follow Islam or Hinduism, they would effectively apply the same logic to Christianity and become atheists (same applies to whatever religion they are).
ReplyDeleteIt is this argument however that sets up a straw man though, for as the author says - the reason that the theists dismiss the other religions is not the same as the atheist.
Admittedly though, I agree with the above comments that many of the arguments from the author aren't legitimate proofs for God either. Just because a lot of people believe in God doesn't mean that he is there. I am not affirming that.
All I was stating was that the Roberts argument when used the way it was used by him (to move Christians to atheists) is a straw man argument. That's not to say there weren't straw men here, but that Robert's argument was as well, and that it was legitimiately dealt with.
(Important to note: that quote "1 less god than u" is used in a more friendly way as a means of showing how we can disagree and love and still love, and things like that. I think the above poster is taking more that line [forgive me if I'm wrong]. I have no problems with that line of thinking, and indeed, debate on such an important issue is overwhelmingly important as it should be on all truth issues. But as i said, Roberts did not traditionally use his argument this way, but in a logical attempt to argue Christians to atheism).
It's been fun (-:
The atheist dismisses it because they believe the evidence for God is lacking/the evidence is that God isn't there (depending on soft/hard atheism). The theists though, all agree that the evidence supports the existence of a 'god', the reason they dismiss others is based on who they think that God is.
So the theists are debating each other over the 'who' of God, not the existence of God.
To the anonymous above, that is not quite accurate. While it can be construed that the position taken by Roberts constitutes a "straw man" of the position of theists, that is only when applied to the criteria that you give for the difference between atheists and theists in regard to rejecting gods. Atheists do it due to a lack of evidence for any gods while theists do it because they are arguing over which interpretation of god is correct.
ReplyDeleteThis ignores the rather obvious fact that the differences between theists are more than just skin deep. They are not all arguing about a single divine being with multiple faces; they are arguing about multiple different beings with different tenents, traits, expressions, and so forth. No catholic will tell you that the god that they worship has anything to do with that murdering bastard that the muslims follow. Muslims will tell you that that their benevolant god is not even remotely related to the Norse God of Thunder. Buddhists would laugh and call them all foolish for God is non-sentient or personified.
The point of the matter is that Catholics do not follow Allah because Allah is a false god. Not because it is a different interpretation of god, but a false one. The same with the Wiccan Goddess or the Norse Gods or the Greek Gods or so on. They reject that god as being non-existent and the follows being fooled. They point to their own scriptures as proof that this god is a phantom and that theirs is real. Religous people do reject all other gods for much the smae reason as Atheists - the book are fabrications, the god does not exist, there is no proof. Atheists go one step further and oust the last remaining god. Remember that many atheists were once entrenched in the religion of the region - their rejection of the final god is little more than a removal process taken to the final step.
ReplyDeleteThe more primitive the culture, the more reliant it is on deities to explain that which it cannot.
ReplyDeleteI might as well believe in Lord of the Rings.
'We all differ in what our religion tells us to believe but, we all still believe in a god. So that quote is nonsense.' Seriously? Not even going to touch this one. It's just to stupid.
ReplyDeleteThis post has so many holes I don't know where to begin!
ReplyDeleteThe analogy of the man's wife was where it got me. For one thing, why a "man's wife"?? Why not simply "a woman?" or "a person". I'm not trying to make any kind of feminist statement here, just simply trying to point out that mentioning the "man" at all in this analogy is pointless. It's irrelevant if the person was married.
Secondly, if you are going to use the existence of this "man's wife" as an analogy for the existence of a God, then you can't use examples involving physical matter such as phonecalls, photographs or someone growing up with them. No photographic or telephonic evidence exists of God, and if someone tried to say a phonecall or photograph was of God you'd think they were mentally unbalanced. And anyone who says "Oh, but I've experienced God physically!" is relating a subjective personal experience that cannot be objectively substantiated. If they say that they knew God as a freckled-face six-year-old who was on their soccer team, then you should back away from them slowly.
Your orange-picking atheist analogy is also flawed. In my view, a more correct analogy would be along the lines of - an atheist sees a tree of oranges, and thinks that eating them will cure his hunger and nourish him. So he picks through the oranges, finding fault with each one, too bitter, too shrivelled, underripe, rotten, and so-on. He eventually realises that all the oranges are equally as bad as eachother and that they will not sustain him. He then uses his brain, breaks off a few branches, uses one to bash a slow-moving mammal over the head, and the other branches to build a fire, and has himself a nice roast dinner.
(A little humor there, in case you didn't get it)
Basically, you don't understand the quotation. As one poster above said - "as a theist, there will be religions and gods that you do not adhere to or believe in, but you'll believe in your own. The way you will feel about those religions that you do not adhere to or believe in, is how atheists might feel about your choice of religion"
i think you are missing the point of the entire quote. Dawkins wanted to point out that theists, specifically monotheists, attack atheism because their world view id devoid of any type of "god," and that in that foundational error, they destroy the structure of their axioms.
ReplyDeleteBut the point is, they SAW the wife. No one has ever seen God, and even Christians will tell you anyone who claims to have "seen" God is nuts.
ReplyDeleteAtheists have not eliminated "hundreds of gods." As a Believer I simply believe in one more God than you do.
ReplyDeleteThe atheists response is so idiotic, its unbelievable. every monotheist believes in the same God, you fools. But, its not just belief that allows one to be saved. Its also obedience. You have to obey morality in order to be saved. Every muslim that obeys morality will be saved. Every Jew that obeys morality will be saved. Most polytheistic gods do in fact exist. They are simply just not to be worshipped, that's all there is to it. Monolatrism is the truth. So, these atheists who bring these silly arguments are really foolish. A god is simply that which has a mind. I have a mind, therefore I am a god. So, every mind that exists is a god. there is nothing illogical about believing in the gods of polytheism existing. the question is, which god is the most high god?
ReplyDeleteNothing worse than uber atheists who hate everything and everyone that accepts Christianity/religion in general (even though atheism is a religion too). They're nuts.
Delete(The uber atheists are nuts I mean, not people or things that accept religion.)
DeleteThis is an interesting debate that boils down to this...A theist (Note how if you put the A next to the theist he becomes a completely different person i.e. an atheist) believes in a higher power, but only one he finds matches his external systems (family, friends or society to name a few) and only when given instruction to do so (look at any religion and there will be some form of written word, and yes that includes you Buddhists as well) whereas an Atheist cuts out all the frills of interpretation and says simply, "Prove to me without your books that were created by fallible man but with actual, tangible proof, and then, if it can be proven in this manner I will attempt to understand how you came to what you believe." The problem with proof lies in faith. Faith is a crutch used by Theists so they do not need a reason to prove what cannot essentially be proven. It is convenient, and I accept it as the theist method of denial, but it is theirs and not mine. I find the argument for and against religion fascinating, but ultimately a large waste of time. You don't need a god or "The" God to do what's right...
ReplyDeleteThe mention of Buddhism draws attention to an error in the original post. Phil writes: "Every culture on the face of the planet has historically believed in God." This is false in two ways.
ReplyDeleteFirst, as has been pointed out already, "God" in not a single, identifiable entity that all religions look toward. Some believe in many gods, some in one god, some in a trinity, and so on. And many god concepts are so radically different from each other as to be apples and oranges.
Second, in their oldest forms, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism are godless--regardless of whatever other metaphysical or mystical beliefs those religions have. And large numbers of modern followers of each remain godless. So a nontheistic outlook isn't either a historic outlier or some shriveled up piece of fruit.
However, there is nonetheless a point to Phil's conclusion--though he failed to express it correctly. For, you see, the various reasons atheists and agnostics give for rejecting all gods aren't really equivalent to the reasons that most theists give for rejecting various other gods. Indeed, you'd be hard pressed to find a perfect overlap warranting such a comparison. A recent survey demonstrates why.
It so happens that, as a group, nontheists have been shown to know more about world religions than traditional believers do. This is because the nontheists have taken religion seriously enough to actually study it and draw conclusions. By contrast, traditional believers don't do this as much. They more often simply follow the faith in which they were raised and don't take the time to explore (1) why they believe it and (2) why they don't believe other faiths instead. As a result, they aren't truly "rejecting" all the other gods of world religions. They've simply ignored or dismissed them. Given this, here's the syllogism they are working from:
My God is true,
There can be no more than one true god,
Hence all other gods must be false.
But the nontheist is working from a different syllogism:
There are many god ideas,
None seem to be true,
Therefore I consciously reject them all.
This difference in approach renders fallacious the second part of the Stephen F. Roberts quote: "When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." In truth, the reasons or thought processes simply aren't the same between most theists and most nontheists. Which is why this insight is unlikely to influence theists to better understand nontheists.
Catholicism has always advocated that if you do not believe in Christian god you are an atheist. This article is just more religious hypocrisy
ReplyDeleteIf I heard completely contradictory accounts of the hair color, eye color, skin color, height, weight, beauty, intelligence, and every other characteristic of a woman that supposedly was the wife of some man, I would suspect that that particular woman (that man's wife) did not exist.
ReplyDeleteOr at least, that most (if not all) of the people who claim to have met her are wrong. That, of course, doesn't mean that ALL women are imaginary, just that particular one.
When I hear about gods as different as Odin, Zeus, YHWH, Allah, Vishnu, Coyote, etc., I suspect that they are NOT all just "interpretations" of the same god.
I just don't see any evidence for the existence of ANY god, not even the abstract "Moral Force in the Universe" that New Agers believe in. I see impersonal, amoral, automatic, stochastic laws of nature that appear to be "causal" only in the statistical sense.
Human beings have tried thousands of different types of societies throughout history, with varying degrees of success, stability, power, and humaneness. Most of them have been based, at least in part, on religions. The most recent ones that are tolerantly secular tend to be the most pleasant to live in.
(Some obvious exceptions are the "atheist Marxist" societies, which are based on their own mythologies, just not explicitly theistic ones. These can hardly be described as tolerantly secular, however.)
The author is claiming the world's religions are all focused on the same god and only disagreeing on the god's characteristics. My question is, if characteristics don't distinguish which god we are talking about, what could possibly qualify as a concept of a different god? Suppose I wanted to invent a fictional god. I give my god-character completely different characteristics than the author's idea of god. Would the author say that I am not really inventing a fictional character, and I am instead talking about his god and getting the details wrong? No, I insist, I'm imagining a different god! Is imagining a different god supposed to be impossible? A simple thought experiment seems to disprove that claim.
ReplyDeleteIt's true...leave a people alone in the jungle for a hundred years without contact with the outside world and they will come up with some sort of idea of a supernatural entity or divine nature outside of their control. It's how we were made to view the world, not something we control by ourselves. The atheistic worldview is so hard to grasp because it goes against how our minds work. It takes more belief to say there is no God than to say that God exists.
ReplyDeleteMan is WITHOUT excuse! And science is not the opposition of Christianity and God...but they go hand in hand quite nicely :) God made a world...and lets us explore it. 'Nuff said. Science doesn't disprove anything about Him. So let's explore the world together, guys, without feeling hate or superiority over/towards others. If you believe in intelligent design, then every natural thing is a billion times more beautiful :*)
There is a fundamental difference in the worldview that excludes the supernatural, and one that includes it. It doesn't matter if there are many gods, or one, as the article says (never mind that for theists it's VERY important if there is one god or several) the question is if there is any reason to believe in ANY gods, or not. So I'm not a fan of "I believe in one less god than you". However, the writer completely missed the punch of the quote - "If you understand why you dismiss other gods, you'll understand why I dismiss yours". This doesn't imply atheism - it can be said by a Hindu to a Jew or an ancient Egyptian to an Ancient Greek. All those different gods are incompatible in their details. The only thing they have in common is their supernaturalism. So the writer is committing himself to an unknowable, featureless supernaturalism shared by all religions, which he gives himself the liberty to call "God", which historically describes it in terms we're more familiar with, such as biblical descriptions, but equally Hindi, Sikh, indigenous, Greek, Egyptian, or any "god" description. He cannot know ANY of these are accurate, other than that they share supernaturalism. All we can know about supernaturalism (wrongly called "God") is precisely NOTHING.
ReplyDeleteAtheists simply reject this due to a complete lack of evidence, as well as a complete lack of necessity. Think about it, what evidence? Can't use the bible since it is specific and therefore incompatible with other religions. Can't use their texts for the same reason. What's left? In addition, if something can be known and understood, it isn't supernatural. Nothing supernatural is known or understood. So if we understood anything about god, he would have to be natural, which implies physical, living, and finite. If we DON'T know ANYTHING about god, then how can we know he exists?
"As any scientist will tell you, if something is true, then something which is opposed to this, is false."
Schrodinger's Cat:
I understand why people in different countries have their own version of an invisible friend to lean on instead of taking ownership of their life. My son had one when he was little. But what I don't understand is why one would listen to the friend when it wanted you to do harm to an opposing invisible friend's follower, or do anything else against innate morality or common sense, At that point, I would submit since the person doesn't object to the telepathic instructions, they must either be ignorant or the directions must be coming from their own mind. The "voice" in my head I listen to is called a conscience and is derived through upbringing and environment. I don't need an external influence, real or imagined to guide me to do the right thing.
ReplyDelete"If everyone has some idea of God, then our question should be what is God really like, not does God exist."
ReplyDeleteI would argue that the question "...what is God really like" should come only after one has ruled out every other possible explanation for "Everyone has some idea of God."
I can think of several reasons for the existence of religion in every human culture that have nothing to do with the supernatural.
ReplyDeleteThe whole "I just believe in one less god than you" thing is just another fine example of atheists contradicting themselves. They sometimes say they believe God doesn't exist, then other times they say atheism is not a belief, but rather a LACK of belief (which is the stupidest thing I've heard.) They can't prove that God doesn't exist. They just BELIEVE He doesn't exist, but they're too arrogant, proud, and self-righteous to admit they don't know everything.
Happy Easter! ;D
BTW I hope you and all my other fellow Christians had a great Easter. I know the atheists fucked it and tried to make it all about their agenda (just like they do with everything else in the universe), but know matter how much they try to deny it, Easter is and always will be a Christian Holiday. And we will NOT let atheists take our sacred days or our freedom away from us!
Atheists actually believe Easter is a pagan holiday that we oh-so-evil Christians stole. Wow. And atheists wonder why everyone thinks they're unintelligent idiots (Hint ((for the atheists out there, who probably can't even read anyway)): it's because atheists ARE unintelligent idiots!)
DeleteLiving proof that atheism makes people dumb and turns perfectly sane people into insane, brainwashed, bigoted, hateful, judgmental, intolerant, unaccepting, tyrannical, immoral, Islamophobic, Christophobic, anti-Semitic, mindless sheep who can't think for themselves (and who can't even think at all, for that matter...)
Hold on! I've got more adjectives for atheists:
Deleteselfish, arrogant, ignorant, retarded, lazy, greedy, abusive, cowardly, stupid, sexist, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, proud, shallow, weak, ableist, classist, cruel, heartless, ruthless, dumb, anti-feminist, hypocritical, uneducated, superficial, blind...
yeah, I could go on and on, but I'll just stop right here.
Atheists just can't accept the fact that atheism is a myth and that Christianity is the truth.
DeleteI hate atheists. They're disgusting, bigoted, white trash scumbags.
DeleteGotta love how atheistards are never too intelligent to realize that believing God doesn't exist =/= lack of belief and that lack of belief =/= knowing for a fact that God doesn't exist. Atheism is a belief because they can't prove that God doesn't exist, they just think He doesn't. Atheism is just an idea, and atheists are so brain-dead it's hilarious! XD
ReplyDeleteAAAAAHHHHH! WOOOOOOO! :'D Ya gotta hate atheists! I sure do! :D Useless, brainless, soulless, heartless, useless, hateful, bigoted sacks of shit is all they are! But hey, at least they're good for a laugh; it's always fun to laugh at stupid people! :D HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WHOOOOO!!!
NOW! When is an atheist gonna come along and provide a GOOD argument against this blog post, unlike the one's who have commented so far basically putting their fingers in their ears and saying "YOU'RE WRONG I'M RIGHT LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU CHRISTIANS LALALA!!!"? Oh, that's right: NEVER! Atheists never have any good arguments! LOL! They're too stupid to argue! HAHAHAHAHA! XD
Atheists are just overgrown children. Belief in the big bang theory and evolution makes as much sense as believing on Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Rudolph. It makes NO SENSE! But atheists will never admit that they're wrong.
DeleteChristianity teaches love and peace, and atheists go against everything that Christianity stands for, which is why atheism is immoral.
ReplyDeleteAll atheists are assholes. They're most likely wrong, but they're just too arrogant and delusional to realize it.
Christianity is not only a great religion, it's also the objective truth and the greatest from of morality.
DeleteAtheism is a sexually transmitted disease.
Atheists are literally Nazis. (Which kinda makes sense, because Hitler was an atheist.)
DeleteChristian blogger: Calls atheists out on their bullsh*t.
ReplyDeleteAtheists: WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! HAO DAIR U MAEK FUN UV UZ AFEISTS!!!! WE'Z AN OPPRESS'D MY-NOR-ITEE!!!!! WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! *Sends death threats and incessant verbal abuse to the blogger and doxes them in an attempt to ruin their lives as much as possible simply because they're not atheists*
Same atheists: We're so loving and kind and tolerant! We respect everyone!
Same atheists: F*ck you Christian retard! There is no God! I'm right and you're wrong because atheists are smart d theists are dumb because I said so! *Bullies, harasses, abuses, torments, and even kills said Christian simply because he/she was a Christian*
Atheists are all ugly hypocrites. F*ck all of them! They're nothing but worthless, disgusting, stupid, bigoted, hateful pieces of sh*t! Every single one of them! Get over yourselves, atheists! Everyone rightfully hates you because you are the most evil, scummy, brainless, immoral a**holes who have ever lived! F*ck. All. Of. You! :D
Atheists and Satanists are all stupid assholes! ^^
DeleteI love watching atheists get rekt! I also love watching them freak out like five year olds having temper tantrums when Christians rip atheist bullshit.
DeleteThis is precisely why it is okay to ridicule atheists in public and online. They're like a bad self parody and they don't even realize it. Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. at least know how to stay in their own lane and respect others, which is why it's not okay to ridiculous Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. in public or online. Sadly, however, they do get ridiculed while atheists are treated with the respect that they don't give to others except for other atheists. But I believe that what goes around comes around. Let the atheist bullies have their sick "fun", because one of these days, people will see them for who they really are and will treat them as badly as they treat us non-atheists.
Delete^^^^^^^ Every atheist ever.
DeleteThey're all a bunch of weak, worthless, butthurt, whining, pathetic little pussies who can't handle the truth.
Atheists are so dumb! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! XD
ReplyDeleteYou atheidiots claim that atheidiocy (oh excuse me, I mean atheism) is synonymous with science, but really, there is no scientific evidence that God does or does not exist. Therefore, atheism is faith-based. Atheists, do you even science? :P Freakin' idiots! Proof that atheism is illogical, irrational, unreasonable, self-contradictory, blind, and mind-numbingly stupid.
An IQ of 75 is amazingly high for an atheist! XD
DeleteScience ass-rapes atheism! So does Christianity. Atheists just can't stand the fact that they're wrong, that God is real, and that their weak ideology is illogical, irrational and unscientific. Science only further proves the fact that Christianity is true, while also proving the fact that atheism is a myth that only the most gullible idiots believe.
DeleteSo get over it, atheists! >:D
DeleteLMAO! God is real! Atheists are so unintelligent and retarded! God exists and they know it, they just choose to be uneducated low lives! LMAO! Christians, Jews, Muslims, and literally everyone else on the planet is automatically smarter and better in every way than atheists, agnostics, and satanists!
Suck my dick atheist bitches! YEAH! XD
"B-b-bu-bu-bu-but... atheism is a LACK of belief!" Atheism logic.
DeleteLook, atheists, you BELIEVE that God doesn't exist. You are not correct, because you can't prove or disprove the existence of God/gods. It's that simple you dipshits!
Atheism has no place in science.
DeleteLOL at all the butthurt atheist comments! Can't stand the fact that there is a God and that they're wrong about everything lol! Disagreement is the only "discrimination" that atheists face. Just like evolution and the big bang, anti-atheist bigotry is a myth. Atheists aren't oppressed, persecuted or discriminated against for being atheists lol! However, anti-Christian bigotry is very real because Christians are oppressed, persecuted and discriminated all around the world just for being Christians. Atheists have nothing to complain about. The only "abuse" they ever face is people having different beliefs, opinions and ideas than them. (which obviously isn't abuse, but atheists are intolerant, hypocritical bigots, so yeah...) Christians are being thrown in jail, having their children taken away from them, being openly ridiculed and harassed, being thrown in jail, being assaulted, and even being killed... just because they're Christians. Atheists never go through anything like that. They deserve to be oppressed, persecuted, and discriminated against, but they never are.
ReplyDeleteAtheists are just mad because they don't have their sad, pathetic, miserable lives together and they have no answers to anything because their worldview is so weak, senseless, idiotic, and self-contradictory. They can't handle reality. One of the many reasons why I love being a Christian; at least we have our lives together and we know what we're talking about.
DeleteAtheists are the worst. They're nothing but a bunch of bigoted, hypocritical, self-righteous, hateful, judgmental, intolerant pansies. Watch them get all butthurt at me for saying all this. We'll atheists, I'm just telling the truth. Deal with it.
DeleteAtheists get mad when you call them out on there stupidity and present them with facts, yet they tell lies and make false generalizations about religion and play the "freedom of speech" card to justify their crappy behavior. Those comments are just more atheist hypocrisy. And like you said, atheists know there is a God, and they hate admitting that they're wrong, so...
DeleteJust let 'em cry their bitter, salty tears.
Atheists have nothing to complain about. The worst "oppression" atheists face is hurt feelings. The worst oppression Christians face is physical/verbal/emotional abuse, harassment, losing their basic human rights, losing their jobs, having their children taken away from them, inprisonment, and even death. Just because they're Christians. And you know who puts them through that hell? Uh huh. Atheists! We Christians have been at the receiving end of atheist abuse for thousands of years, and now that we're finally fighting back, atheists get offended and complain. I refuse to let atheists control me! I can think for myself without some self-proclaimed "free thinker" abusing me and harassing me to change and be like them! I will NEVER be an atheist! Why would anyone want to associate with those hateful, selfish, violent, intolerant, arrogant, ignorant, delusional, idiotic bigots? Those bastards have been harassing us and treating us like we're less than dirt just because we're different! It's time to stand up to them! It's time to push back!
DeleteEverything nowadays is anti-Christian/pro-atheist, but God forbid anyone make fun of atheists just once! Deal with it atheists! If you ridicule us, we'll ridicule you right back! Fair's fair bitches!
DeleteI love reading these random bursts of atheist stupidity. They have no arguments. Atheism is bullshit and everyone knows it.
DeleteOh, you atheists and your perpetual butthurt and collective victim complex lol! You're so cute! :D
ReplyDeleteAtheists are fucktards who whine and cry that they're being "oppressed" by Christians being allowed to have basic human rights. Lol! Talk about a victim complex lol! Atheists are so full of bullshit and lies it's hilarious! X'D
ReplyDeleteAtheists are also incestuous mass murderers who believe in myths and fairytales. They're all brainless, immoral, heartless, horrible, disgusting monsters. They're not even human! Avoid them at all costs!
DeleteWhy I hate atheists. The arrogance, the stupidity, the cruelty, the bigotry, the hypocrisy, the pseudo-scientific bullshit... not to mention the fact that atheists think the entire universe exists just for them and everyone who isn't an atheist is a lower lifeform.
DeleteSMH. Atheists are assholes.
Atheists are all bigots, misogynists, racists, anti-Semites, Christophobes, Islamophobes, fascists, sexists, idiots, and just completely horrible people. I know I'm generalizing, but generalizing is the only option. Atheists are like a bowl of M&Ms in which all but one of the red ones are poisonous: you don't know which ones are safe and you don't know which ones will poison you. Why take your chances? F**k atheists, f**k atheism, and f**k sh*tty people in general. I'm so glad I'm a Christian and not an atheist; unlike atheists, we Christians actually believe in love, tolerance, equality, and acceptance. There are some bigoted, fascist Christians out there for sure, but they're few and far between in the grand scheme of things. Do you really think the 40-50 members of the Westburo Baptist Church represent ALL 2-3 billion Christians in the world? No. There's less than 1 billion atheists worldwide, and I have yet to see one who was at least somewhat decent as a human being. However, I see so many good, loving, kind, accepting, intelligent, tolerant, respectful, helpful, and just generally great Christians out there doing so much good and making the world a better place, while atheists just sit around trying to make the world as horrible and as miserable as possible for everyone who disagrees with them (especially us Christians.) Atheism is a religion of hatred and bigotry and I am so proud to NOT be a part of it. Christianity is a religion of love and peace and I am so proud to be a part of it.
ReplyDeleteHeh, more like a bowl of M&Ms in which all but 10 are poisonous! Anyway, my point remains: atheists are generally dangerous, bigoted, insane sociopaths and it is for the best to avoid them at all costs. Like I said, generalizing is the only option. Good atheists are extremely rare, so don't take your chances.
DeleteLol! True! Atheism makes the world a terrible place, but as long as people refuse to be brainwashed by atheist lies, there's still hope for humanity. And hey, the world's still got plenty of humor; at least there are atheists to laugh at! :D
DeleteAtheists are just bigoted, arrogant douchebags who can't tolerate ideas, opinions, races, genders, sexual orientations or beliefs that are different than theirs. Unless you are a straight, white, liberal, cisgender, male, atheist Democrat, you're not allowed to have an opinion, in their (stupid) opinion.
Delete"At least there are atheists to laugh at!" True, lol! It cracks me up when stupid people like atheists do and say stupid things (which is ALL THE TIME!) AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! XD
Aaaaaaaannnndddddd here come the butthurt comments from fundie atheists...
Atheists aren't too good with the whole logic and science thing. I mean, those morons got angry and sued because a twisted piece of metal looked like a cross. They perpetuate racism and sexism, yet accuse everyone else of those things. And yet, they claim they're smarter than everyone else...
ReplyDeleteAlso, if it weren't for Christianity, their precious science wouldn't even exist. So, yeah. You're welcome, atheidiots! ;)
Atheism isn't synonymous with science. Atheism, evolution and the big bang are all myths, while Christians, agnostics and pretty much everyone else who isn't an atheist erases TRUE science and logic.
DeleteThe egocentric arrogance of atheists never ceases to disgust me. All of the atheists commenting here can't provide a logical argument against this blog post and, as usual, they resort to using ad hominem attacks and straw-men. Once again proving that atheism is just hilarious and typical. Atheists have no evidence. They're just insane, over-zealous, over-religious nuts who can't handle the fact that people are allowed to disagree with them.
BRB I'm screaming...
You atheist loses cherry pick us Christians 24/7! You have no arguments, so you resort to cherry picking, ad hominems, and straw men. You are also compulsive liars and sociopaths who get unnecessarily hostile towards anyone who opposes your weak, stupid, illogical, irrational, pseudo-scientific worldview. And then you turn around and whine and cry simply because you've been defeated in an argument. Here's a tip, atheists: learn how to argue, then you won't be constantly getting owned by Christians. I know you're tired of it; you always get owned by Christians, and you never make any good points yourselves. So, learn to argue properly instead of using logical fallacies and petty insults. Simple!
You atheists are such idiots lol!
*losers, not loses.
DeleteSo... You claim that atheists resort to ad hominem, then you wrap up your tirade calling atheists "idiots?"
DeleteNice. Feel the irony. Wallow in that.
Not sure how atheists cherry-pick. Sounds like you're simply borrowing an oft-cited term atheists use with regard to how too many "Christians" regard their "holy book.".
I chose a random quote from the OP to cite as overgeneralization because that's exactly what it is. I could burn up a whole day picking apart the fallacies in the OP, but educating the willfully ignorant isn't my job--nor my desire.
Atheists are primitive, brainless monsters. They don't deserve to live on this planet with us sophisticated human beings (Christians, Jews, and other non-atheists)
DeleteNotice how atheists always stonewall their opponents by blocking them on social media or disabling comments and ratings on their YouTube videos? Yeah, atheists can't debate to save their lives. Lol! They can't handle being wrong!
Delete"... there is no disagreement [among all persons in all cultures] that there was some divine entity in the universe."
ReplyDeleteThis is a fallacy of overgeneralization. Atheists, skeptics, and doubters have existed for as long as humans have existed. However, few spoke out because to question the existence of the god du jour would be certain punishment, torture, and death. This violent suppression continues in many parts of the world--mostly third-world nations where ignorance runs rampant.
Feel the Christian love in this thread.
The "oppressed minority"/victim mentality is pandemic of the Left (democrats/atheism/Sjw's/radical feminism, anyone?)
ReplyDeleteAre you serious atheists?! Atheophobia DOES NOT EXIST! You loses are the ones who discriminate against everyone else! No one ever discriminates against you! Grow up and get over yourselves! Stupid weaklings!
ReplyDeleteANYWAY atheism causes war and oppression and should be done away with immediately before anymore lives get ruined.
ReplyDeletePity the poor, privileged, straight, white, male atheists. They're so fragile. They can't stand the fact that they're wrong, so don't you dare tell them the truth. If there's one thing they hate more than the God that they know exists even though they refuse to admit it, it's being told the truth.
ReplyDeleteGet over yourselves, atheists! No one's oppressing you! No one's bullying you! No one's discriminating against you! You're getting the treatment you deserve, that's all.
Atheists are the most intolerant, irrational, illogical, unreasonable and unforgiving bigots in the world. Why should logical, rational, reasonable people like Christians have to bend to the will of atheists? Why should we have to respect their idiotic, childish, outdated beliefs when they don't respect the truth of Christianity? Why should we have to put up with the constant verbal/emotional abuse and harassment we get from atheists on a regular basis? Atheists are scum. They don't deserve the respect they demand. We should rise up and take a stand against those ugly, heartless, immoral, horrible, disgusting monsters!
ReplyDeleteSee why I'm a Christian?
ReplyDeleteYou atheists are such pseudo-scientific bigots it's astounding.
You atheists need to free your tiny minds. It's 2016. About time we drop the superstitions of Godless morons from the bronze age, isn't it? We have science now, you atheist retards should look into it. It's really interesting.
Did you know that the universe was created and not the result of some random atomic explosion? We also didn't actually evolve from monkeys that evolved from fish!
Yeah really, it's fascinating stuff!
Too bad you primitive losers are too stuck in the past to accept logic and facts. Good Lord, atheists are such an embarrassment to the human race! You are all uneducated, brainless pieces of sub-human garbage! Place do the world a favor and stop reproducing! We don't need your atheist filth poisoning the world and hindering science, technology, and medicine anymore! Just stop reproducing and talking you useless troglodytes!
Atheists are real scumbags for causing innocent people to suffer just for disagreeing with them while they want everyone to walk on eggshells around them and bend over backwards to respect them. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that I'm a Christian. I'm also proud to be anti-atheist. Atheists are immoral and atheism is a stupid, illogical religion that only gullible fools are part of. Atheism is also a children's fairytale that makes no sense whatsoever. I'm proud to be pro-religion, but the only religion that I will never support is atheism. Fuck that shit! Anti-atheism all the way! :D
ReplyDeleteWe should run all atheists out of the country... and the world...
ReplyDeleteThey're all just a bunch of bigoted, hypocritical, arrogant, ignorant, uneducated, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, Christophobic, homophobic, bi-phobic, trans-phobic, disgusting, evil a**holes. All they ever do is ruin lives.
Atheism has flaws and is, in general, REALLY fucked up, but atheists always strut around bragging about how their "nonbelief" is so perfect and immune to criticism and how they're so much better intellectually and morally than anyone who isn't a "God Delusion"-thumping atheist. Ok. Here's the thing, atheists: I hate to break it to you, but atheism is not a "lack of belief", it is a belief. You have no proof that God doesn't exist, you just believe that God doesn't exist. Atheism, like every other belief, is not immune to criticism. Furthermore, a person's belief doesn't make them more/less intelligent or more/less moral than others. That's just like saying disliking Nutella makes you stupid and heartless and liking Nutella makes you friendly and smart. I'm sorry to burst your bubble. I know how insecure you all are (which is why you're all such abusive bullies), but I'm just telling the truth. Also, if you weren't such spiteful, arrogant, pretentious, bigoted, abusive pieces of shit, people wouldn't hate you so much. Again, just telling the truth here. Try not to take it too personally. ^^
ReplyDeleteI fully support the genocide of atheists.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Because I evidently hate "good", "intelligent", "tolerant" people.
Oh yeah, atheists are good, intelligent and tolerant, all right. Let's not forget about the fact that they are so good, intelligent and tolerant that they bully, harass and abuse everyone who isn't an atheist.
Or how they tell everyone they disagree with to kill themselves.
Or how they've royally fucked China and North Korea and turned both places (especially North Korea) into immoral hell holes (especially for Christians).
Or how they murder Muslims in their own homes execution style just because they were Muslims.
Or how they sue Christians for praying silently, putting up Nativity scenes at Christmas time, and putting crosses by the side of the road to honor their CHILDREN who fucking DIED in a car accident.
Or how they laugh at Christians who have been through trauma, abuse and loss and tell them that their suffering is "proof" that God "doesn't exist", or that they deserve to suffer simply because they're Christian.
Or How they celebrate whenever someone they disagree with religiously or politically dies.
Or how they try to destroy the happiness of everyone who isn't an atheist and relentlessly torments every non-atheist they come across.
OR! How they bomb buildings, burn down churches, shoot up public schools (and specifically kill all the Christian students), support pedophilia, rape women and children and treat women and people of color like animals.
Yay atheism
And since you atheists retards are too fucking stupid to understand sarcasm, let me reiterate what I just said in ways that you're tiny, uneducated ape brains can understand:
You motherfuckers are all disgusting, evil, worthless, heartless, cunts who do nothing but destroy lives. You don't deserve any kind of love, respect or mercy. Go fuck yourselves. Better yet, do the world a favor and go jump of a fucking cliff into shark infested waters while wearing fucking meat suits. Fuck. All. Of. You.
Ok. That's all! :D
Ok. That was really harsh...
DeleteLet me rephrase that:
I don't support any kind of genocide. I'm also aware of the fact that not all atheists are evil assholes. However, I Wish there was a way to make the evil asshole atheists shut the fuck up permanently.
So, if you're an atheist who's reading this and you're not an evil asshole atheist, just ignore my comment. It doesn't apply to you. you're awesome! :D
However, if you are a Christophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic atheist, you are an evil asshole, and my comment DEFINITELY applies to you! ;)
Your username is hilariously oxymoronic, sir!
ReplyDeleteAtheists are bitter, angry, jealous and incredibly petty. I've never seen a "happy" atheist.
Atheists also don't think. They have very primitive, uneducated brains that lack the capacity to format a coherent, logical, rational thought.
You see? Your conceit, bigotry, hypocrisy and self-congratulation are the reason why we TRULY happy, thinking humans (aka, everyone who isn't a left-wing, atheist asshole) can never take you seriously. Just more proof that atheism is a stupid, senseless, shameful religion for mindless, delusional, dim-witted sheep.
The atheist responses to this blog post are so typical of atheist fundamentalists. And of radical feminists. Look, atheisjw's: If you can't handle criticism of your weak worldview, maybe you should stop spreading lies about people who disagree with you and harassing everyone who dares to be different from you. Just saying...
ReplyDeleteBy the way, this blog post is beautiful. And truthful. It makes me so happy. Thank you for blessing us all with this post! <3
Don't be an atheist, think for yourselves! Don't poison your children's minds with your stupid atheistic beliefs, let them think for themselves! DOWN WITH THE PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL BULL**** RELIGION KNOWN AS ATHEISM! :D
Atheists and atheism in general have literally done nothing for humanity except cause wars, abuse, crimes, stupidity, immorality, sexism, racism, misogyny, arrogance, ignorance, discrimination, pedophila, and beastiality. All atheists are disgusting, evil assholes. I'm so glad atheism is declining. The reason why atheism is declining? Education, of course. Those with a higher education are less likely to be atheists (and are more likely to call themselves "religious" or identify with a religion... even though atheism is a religion no matter how much atheists try to deny it...), and since more people are attending college and getting a better education, more people are moving away from atheism. Living proof that atheism is synonymous with stupidity and irrationality. Now, all we need to do is educate the rest of the atheist morons on earth, and we will then finally rid the world of the worst cancer that has ever plagued the human race: atheism. Imagine, no atheism! Oh, what a wonderful world it would be! :D
ReplyDeleteI don't get why atheists and liberals hate God. They don't even believe in God, and yet they hate Him. F*cking idiots!
ReplyDeleteAlso, why do they hate Christians? Even liberal Christians? Even Christians who believe in evolution and/or the big bang? It just further proves the fact that atheists and liberals are all stupid, hateful, intolerant, bigoted morons. (And no, butthurt atheists/liberals. I am not a conservative. I'm a libertarian who's fed up with being treated like garbage by lowlifes who can't stand the fact that I'm a Christian and a libertarian, rather than some left-wing, atheistic sociopath.)
LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Butthurt atheist comments give me life!
Another fine example of atheist dishonesty. It's hilarious how atheists don't know what a "straw-man" is, considering the fact that it's their favorite thing to use against Christians. Let me clue you in dumbasses: a straw man argument is a deliberate misinterpretation of your opponent's argument to make it easier to be defeated. Sound familiar? Yep. You atheistards use straw men all the time by deliberately misinterpreting and taking the Bible out of context or making up fake stories about bad encounters with "evil Christians." I see nothing wrong with this blogpost. It's simply calling atheists out on their stupidity and lack of logic and knowledge in a hilariously funny and creative way. Also, the writer of this blogpost isn't being rude, they're just being honest and telling the cold, hard truth. It isn't a straw man attack if it's the truth. So you whiny fundie atheist losers whining about it are just perpetuating the (very true) stereotype that atheists are liars and hypocritical, hateful, intolerant, violent, aggressive, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant, brainless, heartless, immoral, pathetic, puny, ridiculous little weaklings who can't take criticism or insults, even though they throw insults and criticism around like confetti.
Atheists are all blind, small-minded, hypocritical, uneducated, bigoted, violent, aggressive, arrogant, ignorant, evil, stupid, sad, pathetic, cowardly bastards.
DeleteThis is why Christians are smarter and better than atheists.
Delete............... excuse me while I rub this in the faces of all my atheist friends by sharing a link to this blogpost on Facebook (if it's okay for me to do so, of course.)
ReplyDeleteI especially want to rub these idiotic, butthurt, whiny atheist comments in my atheist friends' faces. These people commenting are so stupid, even for atheists. (Inb4 atheists use one of their favorite fallacies: the "No True Scotsman". Sorry atheistards: these braindead losers are true atheists, which is one of the many innumerable reasons why I am not an atheist.)
All atheists are arrogant, bigoted, hypocritical, self-righteous, brainless, mindless, heartless, soulless, immoral, greedy, ignorant, selfish, violent, lying, evil, disgusting, useless, uneducated, abusive, piece of sh*t *ssholes who do nothing but ruin lives and destroy everything good in the world for their own personal gain. They all deserve to be thrown in concentration camps.
I can think for myself. I don't need some small-minded atheist to tell me what to think, feel and believe.
ReplyDeleteHey atheists, can I ask you a question? WHY CAN'T YOU THINK FOR YOURSELVES?
ReplyDeleteYou rely on atheist celebrities for everything! You never think for yourselves, you never question anything. You're so arrogant and delusional that you just blindly believe whatever some atheist fascist with a talk show says and assume that you're automatically right.
The arrogance that atheists inherently have that makes them believe they are smarter and better than everyone else causes them to harass and abuse Christians who don't conform to society's idiotic atheist standards.
Atheists are so weak. Their worldview is flawed and senseless and everyone knows it, but instead of defending their position and debating civilly and acting like adults, they throw temper tantrums, put their fingers in their ears, and resort to petty insults, strawman attacks, ad hominem, "no true Scotsman" fallacies, doxxing, gross generalizations, death threats, pure emotional/verbal, and physical violence. They are pathetic, brainwashed fools. No wonder everyone (rightfully) hates atheists and atheism in general.
I would rather have Donald Trump as our President than some atheist! Better yet, can we get another Christian candidate, please? One who, unlike Donald Trump, is a good person? Unlike atheists, Christians are likable and trustworthy (with the exception of Donald Trump and the WBC, of course.) Name one atheist who is a good person and who doesn't resort to petty insults against Christians, Jews, or Muslims. Name one atheist that can defend their worldview without verbally abusing everyone who disagrees with their worldview. Name one atheist who believes in the possibility that they are wrong. That's right, there are none. They all think WAY too highly of themselves. They make themselves hard (if not impossible) to like, and instead of acknowledging their own flaws and shortcomings, they blame "oppression" for the fact that nobody likes them. They are assholes who are blissfully unaware of how asshole-ish they truly are. Atheists should never be politicians. Or scientists. Or doctors. Or lawyers. Or... anything, really.
ReplyDeleteI will never stop being a Christian or give up my basic human rights for some atheistic bullshit or some other arbitrary reason.
ReplyDeleteAtheism is a useless disgrace to humanity and atheists don't deserve rights. Once you give atheists rights, they try to take away yours. You give them an inch, and they take a mile. And for what? The stupidest, most worthless, most harmful, most bullshitty, most false, and all-around worst religion ever known to man: atheism! Christianity is the one true religion, and I refuse to give up my right to be right for some dumb atheists' right to be wrong. I refuse to convert to the child's fairytale known as atheism. Fuck that noise! Atheism sucks! It turns people into selfish, arrogant, ignorant, dumb, annoying, unlikable, immoral, monsters! Atheists fight for their right to do nothing, to be stupid, and to be wrong. It's pointless! Basic human rights belong to humans, not atheists!
Face it, atheists. You have no proof that God doesn't exist. You can't prove Christians "wrong" (mostly because we're RIGHT!) You atheist freaks are just mentally retarded, self-worshiping idiots with delusions of grandeur. You're not as great as you think you are. You're not great at all! You're GARBAGE and you're WRONG!
"I dun beleev in Gawd i beleev in scienzzz and acording two muh sooper awsum smartical afeist scienzzz Gawd dun eggzist"
ReplyDeleteOr, or... FUCK YOU!
Seriously atheist retards: YOU. HAVE. NO. PROOF. Grow the fuck up, and get the fuck over yourselves.
Sincerely, the world.
I'm seriously jealous of people who don't have atheists relatives. I'm stuck ruining my wholesome atheist family with my "evil Christian agenda". I should marry a Jewish person -- that'll REALLY drive my family nuts, seeing as how all atheists are anti-Semitic! At least my Christian relatives understand me and treat me (and everyone else) with respect. (And fortunately, most of my relatives are Christians, but I usually don't get to see them very often, so I have to put up with the atheist side of the family's constant bigotry and abuse. :/)
ReplyDeleteAtheists seriously need to stop trying to program children into liking atheism. Atheism is cancer. It's the worst thing to ever happen to the human race. Wake up idiots! There are billions of things better than atheism, like reality (aka Christianity).
ReplyDeleteNo surprise here. The basis of atheism is hatred, bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, violence, and intolerance. Atheism claims licence to kill, and they believe in converting everyone to atheism by force and murdering anyone who refuses. I support the complete irradiation of atheism.
ReplyDeleteAtheists are filth. Every single one of them. They dare to show their evil religion in a positive light and poison the minds of impressionable kids and young adults... disgusting! Atheism is useless filth and it should be destroyed by any means necessary!
ReplyDeleteOh look, more whiny, arrogant, self-righteous atheists invading a Christian comment section... Yay...
ReplyDeleteMan, atheists responses are often very stereotypical but are mostly, like. Hilarious rather than convincing.
"Don't believe in God, believe in yourself!" That just sounds like a really bad pep talk.
Sigh. I need some Christian friends.
"We atheists believe in logic, reason and science."
ReplyDeleteHaha no. You believe in primitive theories that have been debunked time and time again. Your beliefs make NO SENSE! I can't take anyone seriously who believes we all came from monkeys and the entire universe exploded into existence for no reason. It makes no sense! Atheists are fucking retards!
Trufax! XD
DeleteAnd atheists try to force atheism (aka stupidity and insanity) down everyone's throat. "Beecum un afeist an' beecum smartical an' stuff!" Nah, I like Christianity. All of the greatest authors, musicians/composers, scientists, mathematicians, historians, teachers, and doctors/nurses have all been Christians/theists. Name one atheist who was famous for something other than murdering hundreds of thousands of people and being a dictator... oh, that's right... there ARE none! HAHA!
Atheism fails, theism prevails! :D
Atheist bullshit nailed in one comment by a Christian... as always.
DeleteNo one has ever been shot in the head for their beliefs by a Christian.
I hate atheists and atheism in general. Atheists are the rudest and dumbest people on the planet. All they ever do is abuse the smartest and nicest people on the planet (Christians). Atheists have ruined my life and I will never like them or respect them. Ever.
ReplyDeleteDear atheists:
ReplyDeleteLOL! God exists you inbred fucktards! LMFAO! Only children believe in fairytales like evolution and the big bang! You are all fucking retarded worthless worms! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCK ALL ATHEISTS! XD WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Sincerely, the world.
You are 100% correct! God does exist; atheists know He exists, they just wish He didn't. Atheists see themselves as gods and worship themselves, but the fact that there is only one God makes them so mad! And so, they wish to "overthrow" God, and take control of everyone and everything themselves. The arrogance, ignorance, narcissism, bigotry, hypocrisy, and immorality of atheists knows no bounds. But fortunately for all of us, atheists will NEVER have complete control, at least not forever.
DeleteBelieving in evolution and the big bang is stupid. Atheists are the dumbest and most illogical, unreasonable, irrational, unthinking, bigoted, hypocritical, evil monsters that have ever lived.
ReplyDeleteAtheists abuse and persecute people all in the name of atheism, which is so dumb and honestly kinda depressing. Atheism is the belief that everything came from nothing, so they're really just harassing people for nothing - for no reason whatsoever. So sad and so stupid. Smh...
ReplyDeleteJust more proof that atheists are the REAL stupid, illogical and irrational ones...
I can't believe people are brainwashed enough to believe that everything just randomly exploded into existence out of nowhere. Atheists are so incredibly stupid, I honestly can't believe they know how to use a computer. How can anyone that stupid even LIVE?! Atheists' extraordinary stupidity will be the death of them one day.
DeleteEvery single atheist in the world is a useless, narcissistic, pathetic, arrogant, ignorant, hypocritical, bigoted, brainwashed idiot.
ReplyDeleteI want to eradicate all atheists.
Atheists are war criminals! And liars! And idiots!
According to atheism, I am:
ReplyDelete- worthless
- weak
- a lower lifeform
- stupid
- nothing
According to Christianity and actual, REAL science:
- I am an important part of the human race and the world in general
- I matter
- I am strong, capable, and independent
- life has meaning
- there is always hope
Yeah... which one do you think is better? Christianity and science, obviously! :D
Atheism isn't science. It's retarded bullshit. Christianity is REAL science. Christianity is reality. Atheism is a delusional fairytale for dumb children who can't handle the truth. ^_^
According to atheism, we are a product of magic.
DeleteNo, you atheist fucks! We didn't just randomly explode into existence for no reason! Only idiots believe that!
I keep hearing atheists whining about how "oppressed" and "persecuted" and "hated" they are, but the truth is, atheists are the most respected religious group in the world (for some weird reason). The worst things atheists face are hurt feelings and people simply disagreeing with them. That's it.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I hate atheists, (and I'm not sorry about it; they deserve it) but you're right. Not many people actually hate atheists, and they're treated with the utmost respect (even though they don't deserve it). Really, atheists have nothing to complain about.
DeleteAtheists are the most violent and ignorant people in the world, especially when you disagree with them. Go back to China and North Korea you worthless, fascist, bigoted, sub-human, Communist, atheist a**holes! Nobody likes you because all you ever do is ruin people's lives for your own personal gain. F**k you! F**k all of you atheist pieces of sh*t!
ReplyDeleteAtheism is the worst thing to happen to the human race. Christianity is a religion of love, peace, and tolerance, but atheists hate love, peace, and tolerance, which is why they hate Christians. And since Christianity is a very peaceful religion, Christians usually don't fight back, but we need to start taking a stand. Otherwise, atheists will take our basic human rights away from us by force. Because that's what they do: they live ruin lives as much as possible.
DeleteEvery atheist's mother should have aborted.
ReplyDeleteInnocent, undeserving Christians are being beheaded in the Middle East for no reason other than the fact that they dare to be Christians. Atheists are the ones who deserve to be beheaded; atheism is nothing but a hate group.
ReplyDeleteAtheism isn't tolerant, atheism is a religion of hatred and bigotry, and it should be banned.
ReplyDeleteAtheism is a very violent religion. We need to eradicate all atheists by any means necessary. They are all evil scum and they all deserve to be destroyed.
ReplyDeleteAtheists own homophobia and violence. Every time someone uses the words "homophobia" and "violence" they should say "(trademark atheism)" afterwards, since being a violent, over-aggressive bigot is a requirement for being an atheist. The shooter at the gay night club in Orlando this past week was an atheist, which is proof that all atheists are disgusting, evil, immoral terrorists.
Prayer works. It has been scientifically proven that prayer works. Only a science-denying, ignorant, brainless putz (aka an atheist) would believe that prayer doesn't work.
DeleteIf you think Justin Bieber stans who cut themselves over the fact that Justin Bieber has used drugs are pathetic, you should see the people who identify as atheists. Atheists are all worthless, pathetic, childish, stupid, arrogant, bigoted, hypocritical, violent, brainless, immature, immoral, pretentious, narcissistic, dumb, ignorant cunts who do whatever it takes to ruin the lives of non-atheists as much as possible. Fuck all of them. :D
ReplyDeleteChristian blogger: *Blogs about how crazy, stupid, arrogant, ignorant, hypocritical, bigoted, and violent atheists are*
Me: okay... that seems fake, but okay...
Christians telling it like it is, exposing atheism for the lie and the brain disease that it is HELL YES! :D
DeleteAtheism is tearing us apart. It's the worst and most dangerous religion in the world. It forces people to go against their will in order to be loved and respected, it causes people to become violent and murderous, it makes people narcissistic, dumb, and delusional, and the worst thing about all of this is... atheism makes no sense. Everything they believe is just based on (stupid) ideas, not facts. Christians and other non-atheists believe in things based on FACTS and EVIDENCE. Christianity and other non-atheistic religions actually make SENSE! Atheists are just too arrogant to admit that they're wrong, and they are so insecure about the fact that they're wrong that they go around harassing, bullying, persecuting, abusing, and even killing everyone who disagrees with them. Is there anything we can do to increase atheist suicide rates? Hmmm... that would be nice...
ReplyDeleteOk, I take back that last bit about increasing atheist suicide rates. That was unnecessary and cruel. Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate atheists, but I don't want them to be suicidal. I was very angry when I said that and I didn't mean it. I'm sorry.
DeleteWhy are atheists rude? They literally stand for nothing, except for the poisonous dogma known as "atheism". They're so dumb, seriously.
ReplyDeleteI can't support atheism, and I can't respect atheists. They are all immoral, arrogant, abusive, cruel, violent, bigoted, hypocritical, evil, idiotic, fascist, inhuman beasts. They live to ruin lives and silence opinions that are even just slightly different than theirs. And atheism is the worst cancer to ever happen to the universe. Atheists and atheism in general deserve no respect or support whatsoever. There is no such thing as a "good" atheist. None of them can be trusted. They all deserve to be locked away in prisons far away from civilized society, and bigoted hate speech like atheism should be banned.
ReplyDeleteAtheists are late comers to civil rights/equality. As a matter of fact, atheists benefit from inequality. They are to blame for racism, sexism, slavery, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christophobia, and anti-Semitism. They only pretend to be against those things to make themselves look good, but they perpetuate those things for their own personal gain. Atheism is a disgusting religion. It's time for atheists to renounce their faith and convert to Christianity.
ReplyDeleteWhen a person's brain is limited by atheism, they begin to believe their worldview is objectively correct, that they are the most intelligent beings in the universe, that they can do whatever they want because they think morality is subjective, and that everyone who disagrees with them is an idiot. Fuck atheists, man. They are so fucking stupid and evil.
ReplyDeleteI've never been an atheist, and I'm so proud of myself because of it. Atheism is cancer and atheists are the worst people who have ever lived.
DeleteAtheists are finally getting the backlash they deserve. I love it.
ReplyDeleteDon't ask me to respect atheists. Where is the love in them? I don't see it.
No wonder everyone rightfully hates atheists.
It's sad that there are people out there who raise their kids to be atheists. Teaching your kids that morality is subjective and they can do whatever they want because there are "no consequences" for their actions? Teaching them that Christian kids are "inferior" just because they're different? Teaching them that "nothing happens when you die" and that they'll never see their deceased loved ones again? That's not how I would raise my kid(s). Forcing atheism on your kid(s) is child abuse. Pure and simple.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how atheists allow themselves to be deluded by atheism, but please, don't shove your delusion down your poor children's throats. Let them think for themselves!
DeleteI wish that asshole who shot up the Pulse night club in Orlando would have shot the right people: atheists. Seriously. The fewer atheists there are in the world, the better.
ReplyDeleteWell, not all atheists. Just 95% of all atheists.
DeleteOK I agree with you that 95% of all atheists are annoying and/or rude, but come on! Nobody deserves to be killed or injured.
DeleteAtheism isn't based on science, logic, facts, reason, or evidence. Christianity is. Atheism is based on fairytales, lies, and groundless theories.
ReplyDeleteWake up.
Atheists are scientifically illiterate. They are also whiny children who can't handle people disagreeing with them, ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteEvolution and the big bang aren't real. Now grow up.
Atheists should all be sterilized. Only Christians and other non-atheists should be allowed to reproduce.
ReplyDeleteI support this blog. It takes guts to call atheists out on their bullshit online.
Atheists are dumb, uneducated, hypocritical, arrogant, ignorant, self-righteous, heartless, immoral, bigoted, primitive, selfish, immature, abusive, reactionary bullies who can't handle the fact that people are allowed to disagree with them.
ReplyDeleteLol when atheists try to demonize Christians! Christians aren't the ones shooting up schools and killing atheist students, atheists are the one killing Christian students! Christians don't go around suing people for putting up Hanukkah decorations, atheists are suing Christians for putting up Nativity scenes! Christians don't go around putting up hateful, bigoted, anti-atheist billboards every year at Christmas time, atheists are the ones putting up hateful, bigoted, anti-Christian billboards every year!
ReplyDeleteAtheists: Yeah? Well Christians protest gay weddings!
Me: You mean the WBC protests gay weddings. The WBC =/= Christianity.
Atheists: But Christians go door to door shoving their beliefs down our throats!
Me: Again, you are blaming ALL Christians based on the actions of just ONE Christian group. It's the Jehovah's Witnesses that go door to door asking people to join their church. Most Christians don't do that.
Man, I've spent a lot of time fucking with idiot atheists and I swear to God they're just getting dumber and dumber by the minute!
Hey moronic American, did your fairytale Jesus mentioned anything about a huge continent unknown to man yet people (natives) lived their for 1000s of years without the fairytale christian god? Surely he must have seen that from the heavens...
DeleteGuys, check out the comments made by this atheist in my latest blog post. Please feel free to respond to his accusations:
ReplyDeleteHow about you go fuck yourself.
DeleteAny religious belief is okay...
ReplyDelete...except for atheism.
DeleteI agree.