Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on Worshipping God vs. Worshipping Self

This is a great quote by a great man, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. If you stop and think about it, it's absolutely true. People come up with all kinds of wiggle words and ways to explain that they are not worshipping God, but when you see these people you realize they are behaving in a selfish and self-serving way, regardless of the fancy description they give to their way of life.

Also, it's an important point that he mentions in the second half. We do not worship God because somehow God is incomplete and requires praise of some sort. This is a mischaracterization often said by people who don't understand the faith. They'll ask: Why does God require that we worship him? They may even go so far as to wonder why God would have such pride or whatever. That is completely missing the point and totally false. God had no need to create us or even the universe at all. He is complete in himself and lacks nothing. He is perfect. Creation is a total act of love. We are created in the image and likeness of God and our ultimate calling is to dwell with God in heaven and to experience him fully in the beatific vision. That is what will ultimately make us happy. So worshipping God is for our good, not his.

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