Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Did Jesus go to India or China?

This morning I considered the question of whether Jesus went to India or China, and there are several reasons I believe he didn't. I will go through these reasons. Of course, I'm not a historian or Biblical expert, but these are my thoughts on the topic.

Jesus began his ministry at around age 30. The last time we heard about him was when he was 12 years old. Many have speculated that during this time, Jesus went to India or China because nothing of that time period is recorded. I doubt this for several reasons.

1. Jesus had a particular ministry. He was to be a leader and someone who commanded authority. In order to be a leader, especially the type Jesus was, I believe one had to be at least 30 years old. How could a man build a large following if he was in his early twenties? It is possible, but it is much more likely that people would follow him if he seemed to have some experience. This would certainly explain why it would be completely unreasonable to assume he could be effective in his ministry while still a teenager.

2. I once heard that people do not really begin their careers until they are around 30 years old. From my experience, this is true. People usually receive their education until they are in their early to mid-20s. After this, they accumulate experience, until around the age of 30 when they are settled into their position and have a solid grip on their life. I'm not saying Jesus went through a North American or European education and career life. What I am saying is that people really truly begin their vocation normally when they are around 30 years old. People sometimes seem to wonder what happened to Jesus after age 12, but they imply that he must have been pursuing his calling at that age. But no 12 year old, or even 20 year old usually begins their life's work so young.

3. The Gospels are not biographies like they are nowadays. Historical notes were kept differently than they are now. Nowadays we might pick up a magazine or book which contains a biographical entry on someone, say Joseph Stalin. We would read about his childhood, his best friends, things he liked to do in school, his favorite instrument, etc. People are interested in these everyday facts. But in the days of Jesus, people were more concerned about pertinent facts about a person's life. The Gospel writers wrote the most important and enduring aspects of Christ's life. They were concerned with his role as Savior of the World, not on his hair color. All the information in the Bible is important. It is not like a novel where the author sometimes inserts little stories or unnecessary details to make it more readable or enjoyable. The Gospels and the rest of the Bible serve a purpose.

4. Christ's teachings are unique. He encorporates many aspects of Judaism into his teachings and take them a step further. He fulfills prophecy from past centuries. In Christ's writings, there is no incling of Eastern spirituality. He does not speak of past lives, God as pantheistic, or other Eastern ideas. Surely many have attempted to put words in Jesus' mouth that would imply he did speak about these things, but such theories are very new, appearing nowhere in historic Christianity.

5. If Christ really did go to India or China, he must have been rather ashamed of his trips, since he does not speak of them at any time. At least it is not recorded in the Gospels. His parables all involve people of Jewish, Samaritan, Egytian, and other heritages who would have come into contact with Jesus where he lived.

6. Jesus only quotes Jewish sources, including the Jewish Bible. He does not quote any books from the East.

Please feel free to leave your comments on this topic. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I thought August was a good month for saints, but look at September!

Last month, I looked at the many amazing saints for August, but I think September might even have them beat! Let's keep in mind that of course all saints are equal in God's eyes, but I'm just very happy about the great feast days we'll be celebrating this month. Let's take a look:

September 3 - Gregory the Great
Pope Saints Gregory the Great is a doctor of the church, and the pope for whom Gregorian chant is named. He is one of only three popes to hold the title "Great", as well as one of only two to be called a Doctor of the Church. Gregory was truly one of the greatest popes who has ever lived.

September 5 - Bl. Teresa of Calcutta
Mother Teresa is not a saint yet, but she's on her way (at least to being officially recognized as such). Local prayer to her is permitted as she is a blessed. Around the world, Mother Teresa is perhaps one of the most well known modern saints.

September 17 - Robert Bellarmine
Another Doctor of the Church and an important figure during the Catholic Reformation.

September 17 - Hildegard von Bingen
According to Wikipedia, Hildegard of Bingen (von is German) was many things: a Christian mystic, German Benedictine abbess, author, counselor, linguist, naturalist, scientist, philosopher, physician, herbalist, poet, channeller, visionary, composer, and polymath. Phew, that was a mouth-full! I remember reading about her in my classical music course, and specifically I remember that she was tithed to the church as a nun because she was her parents' tenth child!

September 21 - Matthew the Evangelist
One of the Four Evangelists and one of the twelve apostles. He started as a tax collector.

September 22 - Thomas of Villanueva
St. Thomas of Villanova was a real saint. He did everything he could for the poor, including selling his straw bed to help them. He also made sure his charity went a long way. He taught men to fish, rather than simply giving them a fish. He said: "Charity is not just giving, rather removing the need of those who receive charity and liberating them from it when possible"

September 23 - Padre Pio
Of course we all know Padre Pio. He is one of the most recently canonized saints, and the first and only priest so far to receive the stigmata (believe it or not). He bore the wounds of Christ, yet wanted no publicity. He asked Jesus to remove the signs, but not the pain, because he wanted to be united with Jesus, but not to receive much praise or attention.

September 23 - Linus
Linus was the first successor of St. Peter as Pope and Holy Father of the Universal Church

September 27 - Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul is the patron of the charitable organization founded by Frédéric Ozanam. St. Vincent is noted for his help of the poor, and his patronage helps the organization today.

September 28 - Wenceslaus
We all know the Christmas carol about Good King Wenceslaus. He is the patron saint of the Czech Republic. His father was converted by Sts. Cyril and Methodius (they're pretty awesome as well!)

September 29 - Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
These three archangels share a feast day. Let's say a special prayer to them!

September 30 - Jerome
A great scholar and translator of the Bible into the Latin Vulgate. He converted to Christianity and eventually became a Doctor of the Church.

Nations of the world must listen to the Catholic Church, says Tony Blair

Tony Blair says you should listen to the Catholic Church, but not on EVERYTHING. Check out the article:

Nations of the world must listen to the Catholic Church, says Tony Blair

Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm the newest writer for the Catholic Register!

I just found out this morning that I will be writing for the Catholic Register, Canada's oldest English-language Catholic weekly newspaper. It was launched in 1893 and traces its roots back to The Catholic, which was founded in 1830.

The newspaper is distributed throughout Canada, but its presence is not as strong in Atlantic Canada, including Newfoundland, my home province. In addition to writing articles, I will hopefully be helping increase readership in my area.

Specifically I will be writing for the Youth Speaks News section of the paper. I look forward to this great opportunity! I will share more details as they become available.

Why does Ramadan get so much publicity?

Ramadan is a time of year when Muslims fast during daylight hours. It happens once a year and lasts around 28 days. Because the Islamic calendar is lunar, each year it is 10 or 11 days earlier than the year before. After Ramadan, the next day is Eid, where there are great feasts in the Muslim world. I remember 7 or 8 years ago when Eid was around the same time as Christmas, but this year it will be in September. But something has struck me as funny, and a little bit disconcerting. People seem more aware of Ramadan than Lent. Lent, of course, is the Christian time of penance, fasting and almsgiving. But I find people are more familiar with Ramadan than they are with Lent.

A couple of examples will illustrate this point. I was speaking to a friend of mine at a party one time. I told him that at the time it was Lent. He seemed a little confused as if he wasn't really familiar with Lent. This person was born in Quebec, the most Catholic province in Canada, and is a completely bilingual white man. I indicated that Lent is a time of fasting and so on for Christians, and as though a light went off inside his head, he exclaimed, "Oh, like Ramadan!" It seems to me, it should have been the opposite. He is not Muslim, and although he himself would probably not consider himself Christian, his heritage surely is.

A second example is of another friend, who is also a white Canadian. Although he himself cannot speak French, he has French ancestors (from France), but mostly of Canadian origin. He dated a Muslim girl for several years. They broke up. Later he started dating a Christian girl. One night the topic of Ramadan came up because it had recently started. He perked up. He became interested becuase he said he normally participates in the fasting, not for religious purposes he says, but for the beneficial effects fasting can have on a person, such as self control. He was concerned however, because his new girlfriend was quite Christian and he felt that participating in Ramadan might give her a bad impression. Interestingly, he failed to consider Lent, which would be wholly acceptable to her, regardless of her particular denomination since he would be imitating Christ. My hunch is that he had never even heard of Lent.

But how do these examples exist? In Canada, about 77% of the population considers themselves Christian, and around 44% call themselves Catholic. Compare this to the less than 2% who are Muslim. I think there may be several reasons for this occurrance. One of the main reasons is something I wrote about in a previous post and it has to do with self-hatred. We as a society seem to hate ourselves. The closer we approach our own culture, religion, way of life, historical values, and even skin colour, the more we want to lash out in angry vitriol. Yet, at the same time, we feel compelled to be overly consiliatory when it comes to other cultures and religions. Statement: Christianity is against abortion. Response: "Well, don't tell me what to do about my body! And how dare the Church try to tell me anything! What about when *insert random, unrelated, exaggerated incident(s) from the Church's past*?" But then tell someone about cannibals in a foreign country and say that's morally wrong and people will once again lash out, but this time in defense of that culture. Response: "How dare you try to push your imperialistic ambitions on these poor innocent cultures that are living how they have lived for centuries! Don't push your morals on them! You're worse than they are for judging them!"

What makes this situation even more surprising is that there is good reason to believe that Ramadan is just a Muslim version of Lent. Mohammed came into contact with Christians, albeit nonorthodox ones, and from them took many Christian ideas and changed them in certain ways. He also took pagan beliefs and incorporated them into Islam. The idea of Ramadan came directly from Lent. In the time when Mohammed got his idea, Christians had a very strict regiment during this penitential season, even stricter than Muslims now. There was little or no eating during the day, eating meat was prohibited, including derivatives such as butter, cream, etc. Also, there was much prayer. Mohammed didn't just take the idea of Lent and turn it into Ramadan, he also took many other ideas from Christianity and modified them. He took the idea of monks praying 7 times a day and changed it to Muslims praying 5 times a day. He took everything he wrote about Jesus, the New Testament, and the Old Testament from the Christians he met, including the idea that only Christ and Mary were sinfree their entire lives. He took the ideas to a certain extent. He did not accept that Christ died on the cross for our sins, and fulfilled all of scripture and thus removed the necessity for another prophet (since Christ fulfilled all prophesy). He could not accept this, because this would mean he was no longer a prophet and that he would simply be a follower. So, Mohammed changed things as he saw necessary to give himself his own self-title of prophet. As a warlord, Mohammed spread his message by the sword. Having said this, I believe Muslims worship the same God (although they have an incomplete concept of him), and I believe many Muslims are good people. But we must also not be afraid of the truth.

Somehow, out of a sense of political correctness, we feel compelled to act as a defense lawyer for all "others", while feeling a similar obligation to denigrate our own culture. I'm not saying we should be disrespectful or encourage racism or prejudice. I'm just saying we need to stand up for ourselves, love ourselves, love our culture, our religion, our way of life. We must respect others as well, but not at the expense of our own self-respect.

It is just so very ironic. If someone speaks about 9/11, it is considered terrible to mention anything about Islam, and if someone does mention that the hijackers were Muslim, it is quickly and emphatically followed up with statements about the peaceful nature of "most" Muslims. However, it is considered completely alright to bring up anything about the Church's history when opposing her in some way. I've read articles written for top newspapers in the United States that have been along the lines of the Catholic Church is opposed to abortion, but how dare they speak out against abortion when there was a sex abuse scandal! Or The Catholic Church does not allow women to be priests. How dare they do this, considering all the stuff that happened during the sex abuse scandal! Or The Catholic Church opposes gay marriage. But why not use that money to pay off sex abuse victims instead! Imagine using the same logic when it comes to Muslims. As in "Muslim countries are against same-sex marriage. How dare they! Remember 9/11!" It would seem completely illogical, and it would be! It seems logic is not necessary when bashing the Catholic Church.

I believe it is high time that we put away our self-loathing and rediscover a love for our culture and heritage. There are innumerable things to be proud of when it comes to being Christian, and specifically Catholic. The Catholic Church furthered the idea that scientific laws were rational and that science is possible because everything is not as it is right this moment because God is specifically willing it to be that way (i.e. everything is a miracle). The Catholic Church founded the university system we have today. The Western study of astronomy started with the Church. International Law came from the Church. We built innumerable schools, hospitals, and other places which provide social services. We've campaigned for the poor and abandonned. Monks gathered and transmitted knowledge from the ancient world to our own. You may say others have done this also to some extend, but none come anywhere near the Catholic Church. It is the largest chartible organization on the planet. 22% of hospitals in India are Catholic, even though only 2% of the population is. 50% of AIDS victims in Africa are cared for by Catholic organizations. There are many more statistics like these.

Let us spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and his Church!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Powerful profile of the first patron of the New World

Seminarians are choosing traditional training

I've known this for a while, but I found a good article on the topic, found at MSNBC. It shows that seminarians are opting for traditional Catholic training. I think this is logical. The Catholic faith is the Truth, so any deviation from this is a deviation from the Truth. When you present the Truth in all its splendor, it attracts people. I love my Catholic faith. I love reading about saints who persevered in the harshest times and circumstances. I am not inspired by cafeteria Catholics who want to have nothing to do with Truth or sacrifice or living the faith Christ calls us to live. I want the real deal. And so do these seminarians. Great article, worth a read:

Ted Kennedy to Pope Benedict: 'I am writing with deep humility...' -- Politics Daily

On July 10th, Obama went to visit the Holy Father in the Vatican, and while there handed him a letter written by Senator Ted Kennedy. Many have speculated as to the contents of this letter, but they are now revealed. Well, most of them anyway.

Kennedy basically defends his record of public service to the poor and unfortunate. He reassures the pope that any health care reform will respect medical practitioners' right to conscience. He also asks for the Pope's blessing and prayers.

Many Catholics may be upset that Kennedy did not specifically mention his pro-abortion legislation or ask forgiveness for these. He specifies several times that he tried his best and admits he hasn't always been perfect, but this falls short of a repudiation of his positions, which many may have been hoping for, even if against all odds.

The pope very graciously gives Kennedy his blessing and invokes God's protection on him. The pope does not mention how Kennedy's legislation has contradicted Catholic teaching, but this was not expected.

We will entrust Ted Kennedy's soul to God.

Please read the following article:

Ted Kennedy to Pope Benedict: 'I am writing with deep humility...' -- Politics Daily

Friday, August 28, 2009

After Kennedy's Death: Silence from the Pope

This is an interesting article written by Time Magazine concerning Ted Kennedy and his relationship with his religion - Catholicism. It shows how he went from receiving first communion from Pope Pius XII to becoming one of the strongest pro-abortion politicians in the country.

After Kennedy's Death: Silence from the Pope

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Father Raymond J. de Souza: Why priests dont have kids

Beautifully explained and well written. I suggest you take a look!

Father Raymond J. de Souza: Why priests dont have kids

Believe it or not, Ted Kennedy was once pro-life

Ted Kennedy, who recently passed away, spent about the last 30 years defending a pro-choice agenda, however prior to about the time of Roe v. Wade, Ted Kennedy was Pro-life. Click the link below to read the story about it and see the letter he wrote speaking of his pro-life convictions:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obama marks beginning of Ramadan, but is strangely silent about Lent

At the beginning of Ramadan, a Muslim month of fasting, Obama made a special announcement commemorating its start. His speech was geared toward American Muslims and those outside the country. However, Obama made no similar speech concerning Lent, the Christian season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Why would Obama pay special attention to Islam, while ignoring his own alledged Christianity?

This question becomes even more mind boggling when you consider the fact that a whopping 78.4% of Americans call themselves Christian, while just a very tiny group call themselves Muslim - just 0.6%, not even 1 percent of the population. There are more Buddhists in the US than Muslims.

If Obama had paid any attention to the Christian time of fasting, perhaps this would not be a big deal, but Obama probably didn't even know it existed. Many have questioned whether Obama is really a Christian in the first place. He vehemently says that he is, but where does the evidence point? Between Easter and his inaguration, Obama and his family missed church services for 11 straight weeks. While in Turkey, Obama declared that the United States is not a Christian nation. We all know Obama's record on life issues, valuable to all serious Christians.

Why does Obama go out of his way to mark the beginning of a Muslim month, while ignoring the Christian season from which many believe it is derived. Just as Mohammed took most of his new religion from Christianity and changed it to suit his needs, he also took the practice of Lent and turned it into Ramadan.

Now, in a country where almost four fifths of the population consider themselves Christian, while only 3/5 of 1% consider themselves Muslim, Obama decides to commemorate Muslims and ignore Christians. This would be the equivalent of being the key note speaker at a World War II conference attended by 130 veterans, then during your speech you congratulate the head waiter on his 15th wedding anniversary but completely ignore everyone else in the conference and mention nothing about the veterans or the war.

If Obama really is Christian, I think it's about time he try to prove it!

Note to The Tablet: 'Liberal Catholicism' is a flawed concept

This is really a great article which needs to be read. It's quite short, but sweet and to the point. The basic theme is that there is no such thing as liberal Catholicism. The Church is quite clear on her teachings and doctrine will not change. Worth a read!

Note to The Tablet: 'Liberal Catholicism' is a flawed concept

Joffé defends biopic of Opus Dei founder

There is a new movie out about the founder of Opus Dei, who is now a saint in Heaven. People seem to be upset that the maker of the movie did not portray Jose Maria Escriva in a bad enough light. I have a suspicion that people are objecting not so much to the historical inaccuracy but with Opus Dei's teaching on mortification and the primacy of the Church. Check out the full article below:

Joffé defends biopic of Opus Dei founder