Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pope continues to be a trailblazer in using media

Pope Benedict XVI will answer questions on television from the public for a special program by RAI, an Italian station. The three questions will be on Jesus, and the answers will be pre-recorded. It will air on Good Friday at 3pm. This is a papal first. This coincides with Benedict's release of the second volume on his book on the life of Jesus called Jesus of Nazareth. The book recently captured headlines when the pope reiterated the Church's teaching that Jews as a whole are not responsible for deicide.

It's really wonderful that the pope is continuing to embrace new media. The Vatican has a Youtube channel and the website is a giant portal to all things Catholic, which is updated daily in many languages. The pope has continuously pledged for people to use new media to spread evangelization. I think though the pope must be careful to not try too hard to adapt to all media. Quotes, clips, and other forms of media can be distorted or taken out of context. An air of reverence must be maintained.

I think this is a great step overall.

For more on the story, see below:

Pope Benedict to answer Italian TV viewers' questions in papal first | World news | The Guardian

To purchase Benedict's new volume of his book Jesus of Nazareth, click the link below:

UK Court: Christian Households UNFIT for Children

A shjocking story has come out of the UK, where a Christian couple has been denied the ability to adopt a chidl because they are good Christians and opposed homosexual actions. The judge said that gay rights are more important than religious freedom in that country. In fact, the judge said, gay rights trump all others.

This story is not about whether or not these foster parents are correct. It is about the state intervening and declaring it to be illegal to teach your own adoptive children the morals and values of your faith. This is a complete outrage.

How long will it be before it becomes illegal for ANY parent to teach their children about proper sexual behavior? Soon enough, if parents teach Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist values concerning sexual matters, their household will be classified as a dangerous area for children and they will be removed by child services.

This is a complete infringement of rights. These good Christians have already raised 15 adoptive children and everyone who knows this couple say they are the best parents a child could ask for.

This case is primarily about destroying a parent's God-given right to teach their children proper morals and ethics.

It seems all too possible that soon enough there will be guidelines distributed by the government telling parents what they ought and ought not teach their children. These will not just be guidelines or suggestions, but rather they will be enforceable by law, with strict penalties attached to disobeying them.

Our rights are being trampled on more and more each day. We deride totalitarian regimes which force their citizens to behave and act a certain way. How is it any different in the UK or Canada where freedom of religion is at an all-time low?

For those who agree with homosexual actions and believe it should take precedence over all over human rights, how would you react if the government said rape was now legal and encouraged and that anyone who taught against it would not be allowed to adopt children? Rape and homosexuality both fall under the category of sexual morals. Homosexuality, as believed by all major religions, is sinful. It should not be illegal for a parent to teach his or her children their belief on the subject.

Goodbye freedom, welcome 1984.

Read more here.

Also, check out the book below for a good discussion of Catholic morals concerning homosexuality:

Oklahoma House passes bill banning abortion after 20 weeks | Reuters

This is a good first step, but there are many more to go. Let's hope many states, provinces, and countries take this lead.

Oklahoma House passes bill banning abortion after 20 weeks | Reuters

Pope urges Christians to resist temptation, pursue charity at Lent


Pope receives ashes atop head in penitence rite

Pope receives ashes atop head in penitence rite

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Latest Episode of Catholic Answers Live

Catholic Answers Live airs weekdays from 6-8 ET. Great show! Check out the latest episodes below:

Hour 1
Hour 2

Coming up tomorrow...

Is Freedom of Religion a thing of the past in the UK and possibly elsewhere? Check out this blog tomorrow morning at 8:00 EST to find out what I have to say about it.

What are you giving up for Lent?

Like most Catholics, I'm going to Mass today to have ashes put on my forehead as a sign of repentance from sin, and a reminder of mortality and reliance on God. Ash Wednesday also marks the beginning of Lent, a 40 day fast in anticipation of Easter.

So, what are you giving up for Lent this year? Let me know in the comments!

First Photograph Ever was of Pope Pius VII in 1822

A little known fact is that the first photograph ever taken was of an engraving of Pope Pius VII. It was taken in 1822 by Nicéphore Niépce, a French inventor who also created one of the first internal combustion engines.

The photo was destroyed in 1825 when Nicéphore tried to duplicate it.

I've linked a book about this French inventor below:

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Latest Episode of Catholic Answers Live

Catholic Answers Live airs weekdays from 6-8 ET. Great show! Check out the latest episodes below:

Hour 1
Hour 2

Congratulations to Celine Dion's Twins on their Baptism, but...

Celine Dion's four and a half month old twin boys Nelson and Eddy Angelil were baptized in Las Vegas this past Saturday. The occasion is, of course, cause for great celebration. However, there are certain issues in this situation.

1) Babies conceived via IVF
I have written extensively in the past on why in-vitro fertilization is unacceptable in Catholic moral teaching.

2) Irregular number of Godparents
Strangely, Celion Dion decided to violate Church Law, by having 3 Godfathers and 2 Godmothers who all stood for each of the two twins. This is clearly forbidden. In Church Law, a child can only have two Godparents, one from each sex. Technically they must both be Catholic. If one is not Catholic, that one is technically not a Godparent, but rather a witness. It seems odd that the two monsignors shown at the baptism did not say anything about this. My only guess is that only one man and one woman are the actual godparents of each of these babies and that the other one or ones are witnesses.

Underage Godparent
One Godparent is the brother of the twins being baptized. Problem is he is only 10 years old and Canon Law states the godparent must be at least 16 years old. Rare exceptions can be made for extenuating circumstances. But those are not specified in the code. Something tells me, this wasn't a matter of necessity, but of desire of the parents.

A Family Affair
To round out the five Godparents were Celine Dion's husband's two sons Patrick and Jean-Pierre, his daughter Anne-Marie, and Celine's sister, Linda.

On a separate note, I'm not sure what is up with our society in general these days where we cannot seem to make a decision. So often I've seen people getting married and having 2 or 3 best men, and 2 or 3 bridesmaids. Now this tradition seems to be spreading to selection of Godparents.

Celine Dion's sons baptized in Vegas - News -

Church Hierarchy vs. Church Membership

A popular idea that has been advanced by the media and others is that within the Church there are two groups, the hierarchy and the lay membership, and that these two groups are frequently at odds with one another.

Usually in the media, the lay membership is viewed as the "down-to-earth" crowd who are in with the times, and understand the real world better than the hierarchy. This is the story the media wants you to believe anyway.

However, this idea is not only false, but dangerous. The hierarchy of the church is the ordained members of it. It includes deacons, priests, and bishops. Their task is the teach and preserve the truth of the Catholic Church which was established by Jesus Christ. The teachings they proclaim are not their opinions on various matters, but represent the Church's doctrines, dogmas, and disciplines.

A Catholic who disobeys legitimate hierarchy is not "down-to-earth" or "modern", they are heretics and schismatics. The hierarchy is obliged to obey all the laws of the Church, just as non-ordained members must. Many religious live in poverty, owning no personal possessions. These are the very people who enforce the rules. Obviously they are not doing it for reasons of wealth and power, as news stories would have you believe. Rather, they have given their lives to Christ to serve him.

One of the most important characteristics of a good Catholic is obedience. Unfortunately, obedience is often ridiculed in the general public. Rather than a virtue, obedience is seen as a defect in character, indicating a person who is unable to make their own decisions. On the other hand, a person who justifies disobedience in the Church is lionized. They are seen as the little guy standing up the big bullies.

But nothing could be further from the truth. Catholics believe the Church was established by Jesus Christ and that it will remain always free from error. Faithful Catholics obey the Church even if it means they will need to make sacrifices at times. These are the true Church Militant. Disobedient Catholics on the other hand care far more for their own will than for the will of God. They do whatever they want, then justify it using their own flawed logic. Then they have the audacity to criticize the Church for disagreeing with THEM! Could someone please show me the Bible verse where Jesus established "your opinion" as the standard of truth?

I cannot understand how making up rules as one goes along is considered virtuous. I can understand however, how obedience, fortitude, and good morals are virtuous.

There is no room in the Church to disagree on fundamental moral issues such as abortion, euthanasia, contraception, embryonic stem cells, gay marriage, etc. Anyone who has supported one of these must end their support and align themselves with the Church.

There is no dogmatic distinction between true Catholics. Contrary to what the media would like us to believe, one cannot be Catholic and believe and act as they wish, any more than someone who plays baseball all day long can call himself a golfer.

There is also no distinction between faithful hierarchy and faithful laity. All must be obedient to the teachings of Holy Mother Church.

CNS STORY: Pope remembers Pakistani minister; bishops recognize him as martyr

Monday, March 07, 2011

Two Latest Episodes of Catholic Answers Live

Hour 1
Hour 2

St. Francis of Assisi loved animals, and I can see why.

Coming up tomorrow...

Come to this blog tomorrow morning at 8:00AM Eastern to read my article on the difference between the Church Hierarchy and the Church Membership.

Canadian Pro-Abortion Priest suing Life Site News

This is a story I wouldn't believe until I saw. A Canadian Catholic priest is now suing Life Site News for $500,000 for "defamation" and punitive damages. That is actually an entire year's revenue for the tiny paper.

The priest, Father Raymond Gravel, is in hot water with the Vatican after they found out about his positions on important issues such as gay marriage and abortion.

Ironically nothing that LifeSite has said about Fr. Gravel is incorrect. According to Canadian law, an organization or person can be sued for defamation if they present false information as truth concerning a person. In this case, that has not happened.

Fr. Gravel not only supports the legalization and access to abortion, he has voted to honor Dr. Mortgentaler, the infamous Canadian abortionist who was responsible for making abortion so commonplace in Canada. He is the antithesis of the pro-life movement. Yet, Fr. Gravel, a Catholic priest supports him.

Fortunately the priest is not using diocesan money for his stupid lawsuit and is footing the bill himself. This renegade priest claims he has a lot of support. Well, that's no surprise. Lots of people support immorality.

I hope this case is dismissed as without merit and then LifeSite countersues Fr. Gravel for defaming ITS character by saying it does not represent true journalism. It would be great to see this priest paying LifeSiteNews for his derogatory and unjust comments.

Having said that, I don't have much confidence in the Canadian legal system. Seems like it has no footing in true morality or goodness, but is rather a mouthpiece for the most extreme depravity. Let's pray it's not the same here.

For more on this story, please visit:

Ratzinger on the meaning of the Word of God

Usually when we hear someone speak of the Word of God, we consider only the Bible. However, Cardinal Ratzinger points out that the Word of God is Jesus Christ himself who is present in the Eucharist.

Dr. Scott Hahn explores this topic in a short essay. In it, he goes even further to explain the original meaning of "New Testament" was the Eucharist:

But those books were not yet known as “the New Testament.” No, what the first Christians knew as the New  Testament was the Eucharist, which Jesus himself called the “new testament” (or “covenant”) in his blood (see Luke 22:20). Jesus established the New Testament when he instituted the Eucharist and said “do this in remembrance of me” – not “read this” or “write this.” And the apostles went forth and celebrated the New Testament everywhere they went. Not half of them wrote books; but all of them went forth and celebrated the Eucharist. The Eucharist was celebrated as a sacrament for many years before the books we know as the New Testament were written.

To read the entire document by Scott Hahn, please click here.