Monday, March 07, 2011

Ratzinger on the meaning of the Word of God

Usually when we hear someone speak of the Word of God, we consider only the Bible. However, Cardinal Ratzinger points out that the Word of God is Jesus Christ himself who is present in the Eucharist.

Dr. Scott Hahn explores this topic in a short essay. In it, he goes even further to explain the original meaning of "New Testament" was the Eucharist:

But those books were not yet known as “the New Testament.” No, what the first Christians knew as the New  Testament was the Eucharist, which Jesus himself called the “new testament” (or “covenant”) in his blood (see Luke 22:20). Jesus established the New Testament when he instituted the Eucharist and said “do this in remembrance of me” – not “read this” or “write this.” And the apostles went forth and celebrated the New Testament everywhere they went. Not half of them wrote books; but all of them went forth and celebrated the Eucharist. The Eucharist was celebrated as a sacrament for many years before the books we know as the New Testament were written.

To read the entire document by Scott Hahn, please click here.

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