Sunday, January 24, 2021

You Can't Make this Up: NYT declares "President Biden is perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century."

Is this some kind of a joke? It's not even April 1 yet.

The full tweet reads:

President Biden is perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century. A different, more liberal Christianity grounds his life and his policies.

Wow. I can tell you one thing, this isn't written by an observant or devout Catholic. It is objectively false. Observant is defined as "adhering strictly to the rules of a particular religion". Joe Biden outright violates many tenets of his religion. As a Catholic, he is not permitted to advocate for things which are opposed to Catholicism. It is simply not permissible. Plus, we have no indication that Biden disagrees with his policies even on a personal level.

The two sentences actually contradict each other. The first says he is religiously observant. Well, since he says he is Catholic, it would imply he is a religiously observant Catholic. Well, that's not the case. But the second sentences goes on to say a "different, more liberal Christianity grounds his life and policies". Well, since Catholicism isn't a "different, more liberal Christianity", he cannot be an observant Catholic.

I mean, I suppose he could be an observant member of a "different, more liberal Christianity", but what value does that statement have? In other words, he's a strict adherent of an form of Christianity that he made up himself that happens to conform to his political beliefs? Who on earth doesn't adhere to their own beliefs? It's a meaningless tautology. The Church is meant to change our lives and better conform us to the will of God. It's not a pick-and-choose religion that you make up as you go along.

I think the media are operating under the belief that you just have to repeat a lie over and over until people eventually accept it. This is something a nazi once said anyway. The sad thing is people often just acquire their points of view from the media. The media declares over and over that Joe Biden is a "devout Catholic" and they just believe it.

As I showed in a previous blog post, Joe Biden will be bad for Catholicism. He is one of the most pro-abortion presidents ever and wants to fund international abortion. This is already a grave moral evil. He wants to force nuns to pay for contraception and abortion. He's not good on religious freedom either. So how exactly can anyone say Joe Biden is a good Catholic or advances Catholic causes? He doesn't. I can't judge his soul, I can only judge the public actions he is taking.

What I also find funny is how on Twitter and elsewhere, non-Catholic liberals are all clamoring to say how devout and observant Joe really is. What do they know? They oppose everything the Church stands for. Why do they feel able to tell anyone whether or not Joe is a devout Catholic?

The Catholic Church has strict and specific morals. It's not just a general set of guidelines which Catholics are free to apply or disregard at will depending on their own personal beliefs. It doesn't work that way.

St. Augustine said it best:

If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.

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